85 - Absurd Wish

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As Natsume, Mia and Mikan run further towards the middle school where the hanahime shrine resides, the pursuers are finally out from their sight

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As Natsume, Mia and Mikan run further towards the middle school where the hanahime shrine resides, the pursuers are finally out from their sight. Mia keeps a tight hold onto Mikan's hand, afraid of being separated from her sister yet again. 'Mia..! Where are you, Mia?!' A voice surges through the older twin's mind which caused the brunette halting on her movements, confusing Mikan and Natsume who glance at Mia upon her abrupt stop. "Mia-nee, what's wrong?" Mikan asks, squeezing her dear sister's hand with eyes glazed of worries over her sudden act.

Natsume observes how Mia is scanning the surroundings and instead of concluding that she's wary of any Fuukitai nearing their location, she seems to be searching for a certain someone. 'This voice...if I'm not mistaken, it's-'

"Mia! Mikan! Hyuuga-kun!" a voice boosts into the children's ears as their eyes are busy searching for the owner of the voice. From afar, they could see a figure running towards their direction. Her silver hair sways violently in the air as she pushes her legs to reach her friends faster. Upon caressing the sight of the twins and Natsume, her bluebell eyes shimmer with the radiance of relief after confirming their safety.


Mia and Mikan rush towards the silverette, engulfing one another into a hug for being grateful that both sides are safe. "Mia, Mikan....thank goodness both of you are safe" Chiaki mutters slowly but her words are heard clearly by the twins who snuggled into the embrace of their childhood friend. Shifting her stare to Natsume, a grateful smile is flashed towards the boy who keeps his promise of saving Mia and Mikan from the ESP's grasp.

"Chiaki, what happened? Why are you here?" Mia inquires quickly after pulling out from the hug, noticing that their best friend was not among those who hold the Fuukitais back with Hotaru and Ruka earlier. The older twin saw the look Chiaki sent to Natsume, as if the two are communicating through their eyes which didn't get pass Mia's observation.

"The two of you..?" Mia questions slowly while Mikan is honestly blurred as of the moment. Chiaki confirms the brunette's speculation by nodding, "Hyuuga-kun sensed that the ESP is planning something to get the two of you so we cooperated by working on different sides. I helped him sneaked into the headquarters by giving Hayate a cake filled with sleeping potion so that Hyuuga-kun could disguise himself as Hayate" the girl explains precisely.

Chiaki was reminded how the ravenette showed up in front of her room last night. His body was covered in wounds and he was short of breaths, it was as if he had been running around and the cause of if was never known to her.

"Let's cooperate" Natsume said upon the door to Chiaki's room was opened. The girl scanned the boy up and down, taking notice of his messed up condition while having a brief glance of a bright hazel stone hanging around his neck. "What do you have in mind?" Chiaki inquired almost, indirectly agreeing to his request without any hesitation

There was no need to dig deeper into the plan's purpose for Chiaki knew there was absolutely nothing other than Mia that could push Natsume up to this extent. For someone who preferred to work as a solo, he was there in front of her room and asking her to cooperate with him. He was willing to go as far as stepping out from his boundaries to protect her childhood friends and knowing how much the boy meant to Mia, Chiaki didn't have a reason to refuse at all.

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