7 - Secret Training

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Mikan's POV

Today marks the third day.

Agata-san who ran off to somewhere is still missing and Nee-chan, who searched for Agata-san is also missing. Narumi-sensei told us to not worry because the teachers are doing their best in searching for them.

Of course, I cried a lot when I heard Nee-chan couldn't be find and is missing. But, I know she is not the type to just suddenly disappeared without a reason.

"S-Sakura-san, can I have a moment?" Sumire suddenly asks me out of nowhere. Ugh..why is this so weird?

She grabs my hand and pulls me out of the class. "So, what it is?" I ask, titling my head to the side. "I-I-I'm s-s-so-sorry!!" She apologized and bows down. Like what?!?!?!?!?!? Sumire?! Is apologizing!?!?!?!?!

I sweat drop. Is this really Sumire or what?

"Ummm, why are you saying sorry for? I don't think you have done anything wrong though" I say and hold her shoulder, gesturing her to stand up straight and face me. "It was my fault that Mia, your Nee-chan is missing now. If only I didn't provoke her before, she will still be here" Sumire says, looking down at the ground.

Wait...she apologized because she provoked Nee-chan but not to Agata-san?

This all happened because she called Agata-san trash. She should apologize for that!!

"I forgive you..."

Her head looks up and her expression brighten.

"If only you apologized to Nee-chan and Agata-san!"

"What?! Why should I say sorry to that trash!?" She says harshly. I know it. Her opinion on Agata-san is still the same.

"Before you think about that one, think about what Agata-san felt all this time? All of you said bad things to her and treat her like an outcast when she has never hurt or attack you guys!" I exclaim and walk in the class again calmly. Hotaru asks to me about what we talked about but I kept it as a secret.

Nee-chan, come back quickly!


On one of the tree's branches, there is Natsume who is reading his book. But, he is not actually reading it though. He is deep in his own thoughts that he doesn't realize Luka is there.


He finally snaps out of it.

"Yeah, what it is?"

"You've been looking so dazed nowadays, did something happened at the Dangerous Ability class?" Luka asks. His tone of voice shows that he is worried for his best friend. Luka knows after all, Natsume's body is not in its best condition and Natsume is just acting to look healthy.

"I'm fine Luka" Natsume says and continue to stare at the book, at the exact page where he first opened the book.

"By the way, do you know where is Sakura Mia and Agata Sawako?" Luka asks. Natsume shook his head. Why is Luka asking him this question though? "You see, Narumi asks for me to use my Alice to search for the two of them through the animals but it's no use. The animals cannot find them at all.."

Natsume looks at Luka, slightly biting his lips. Tch, does that girl escaped from the academy or what? She's been missing for three goddamn days. That's when Natsume thought of something. That place...they might be there!



Natsume and Luka arrived at Bear's house. The more they get closer to the house, the more heavier they feel their bodies are. Their bodies feel as if some kind of heavy gravity is stepping on them, forcing them to completely lies down on the ground.

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