69 - Alice Stones

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Pouring the juice into a bottle, Mia wraps it nicely while a smile is always seen decorating her face as she was satisfied over the taste

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Pouring the juice into a bottle, Mia wraps it nicely while a smile is always seen decorating her face as she was satisfied over the taste. Since she makes quite a lot, there's another bottle for her to take it to class.

She grabs her bag and the two bottles before shifting her gaze on her drawing of two people. "Mom, dad, I'll see you later" Mia utters and went out from her room, heading towards the Special Star rooms section. Halting her track in front of his room, Mia places the juice slowly, cautious of getting caught.

Taking a last glance at the juice, she hopes the person who drinks it will become healthier even for a bit.

Mia has been practicing in improving her healing alice and with Watery's  guide, she is now able to control it effectively and conjure it on will based on how bad the injuries are.

"Mia-nee, good morning!" Mikan exclaims joyfully, she's in high spirits even though the day has just started. Appearing from the older twin's back, she engulfs her into a back hug while placing her chin on Mia's shoulder. Cracking into a chuckle over Mikan's affection over her, she turns her body to face Mikan.

"Morning~" Mia sings, returning the hug and her voice somehow relaxed Mikan before they pull away, heading to the classroom together. "Mia-nee, about the stone I told you yesterday. When I woke up this morning, it was just besides me!" Mikan exclaims, informing what happened to her.

"I don't know where it comes from but it stills like me! So I decided since it did not stop following me, that I just take it with me!" Mikan exclaims to her classmates enthusiastically, shwoing the aqua marine stone between her thumb and index finger.

"Hahaha that is so stupid" Koko stated bluntly while Iinchou who is standing next to him flashes a kind smile to Mikan. Anna and Nonoko squeal at the sight of the pretty stone.

"That's the most childish thing I have ever heard of" Hotaru says, sighing before walking away to her seat. "Anyway Sakura.. if you take it and it's not yours, that means you stole it" Permy stated, dropping Mikan's facial expression as the two start their bickering.

Glancing at the stone in Mikan's possession, no matter how she looks at it, it's an alice stone. Mia wonders why did the stone is so attached to Mikan that she didn't notice Sawa who sits besides her.

"Quit dazing off, homeroom is starting" Sawa reminds the older twin, snapping her from her deep thoughts as she kinda jolts up a bit from her seat. "Geez, you startled me!" Mia exclaims and catch a glimpse of Chiaki coming into the classroom.

"Chiaki, come sit with us!" She says and went to link arms with the flustered Chiaki before dragging her to their seat. "B-But, there's someone else's.." Chiaki's voice trails off as Sawa shakes her head, patting the seat next to her. "You can sit here" she utters, surprising the silver-haired girl as the three of them sit down with Mia being in the middle of them.

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