12 - I Will Protect You

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Mia's POV

"Those two are going abroad to be sold. You will luckily become part of the organization"

"It's no good resisting"

"You'll simply be back to doing dirty work for the school"

I heard Reo's voice through the water that was spilled on the floor. It's still not a good time to transport there so I'm waiting for the perfect timing. But... I'm worried sick about Natsume. He can't fight them, not in his condition right now!

"Mia, if you transport now, they will not notice your presence if you quickly make yourself invisible in the water" Watery says. I know about that but... I'm not too sure about being invisible with this remaining energy I have.

"Don't hesitate! If you do, then you can't save them!" Watery exclaims. Yeah, I shouldn't hesitate at all. Mikan is right there, trying to save Natsume, which I had failed to accomplish before. "Sawa-chan... I'm going to transport to where Mikan is right now" I say to her. She gives me a look, as if asking whether I will be alright or not. I simply nodded at her.

Sawa-chan frozes for a moment but then she agreed to me, nodding her head, she says "Please be safe"

"I will"

With that, I used my Alice to turn myself into water before transporting me into the water at Mikan's whereabouts. Upon arriving, I was out of breath and I'm still in my water form, means they can't see me yet.

What? Why is Natsume alone? Did Mikan and Sumire succeed in running away?

"You used yourself as bait, letting those two escape... that was all for nothing" Reo stated. So he threatened these guys with his power? That is stupid! He can barely stands up! I was about to turn myself into my normal form until I heard Reo's next words,

"Especially that pigtailed girl... we've just contacted the organization, those two girls will be captured sooner or later"

Wait, why is he talking about Mikan? Isn't his target is only Natsume and what about this organization he's talking about?

Watery, I will fight them now.

"Mia, wait! It's not the right time yet!" Watery exclaims. "But-" "Believe in me" Watery cuts me off. I don't have a choice then.

Please Natsume, don't do anything stupid.

I examined the surrounding and it seems like the men behind Reo are quite relax. I should aim for them first. "Before you turn this place into sea of fire, I'd like to know your reason for returning to the academy" Reo says. I look at Natsume and he's still sweating a lot. I know he has been hiding something from everyone which only him and Luca know about it.

His suffering, his pain, his agony... how can he built up all of those inside without telling anyone?

"Just now you said... "the girls will be captured sooner or later". They're obviously not caught yet... by now, they're probably far from here" Natsume says, his eyes are glaring at Reo. What is his plan?

When he lights up the fire in his palm, I somehow caught on what he wanted to do. No way... he can't-

"If I self-destruct now... it will only blow us up... it's not all for nothing at all!" Natsume says loudly, his voice hinting his seriousness on wanting to self-destruct.

"Mia! Now!"


I returned back to my normal form and approached them from the back. Natsume noticed me because we're facing each other. I give him a nod before using my Alice, I make a bunch of water ball in the air, turning it to be sharper before I attack them with it.

"What?! There's another one!"

"Catch her!" Reo exclaims. Hoho, do you think it's easy to catch me? One guy tried to hold me but his hand slipped out from my arm. "W-what? Her body... is make out of water!"

I took the chance and put as many as I can into a water carriage, they can't get out from there. "Natsume! Run now!" I say loudly to him as three more guys are still attacking me.

"Don't move or else I will kill these guys!" I threaten as I turn the water carriage to a smaller one, suffocating Reo and his gang because of the lack of air. They hesitated a bit and I use the chance to attack them. Two of them are now trapped in my water carriage but one guy got away. I failed to notice his presence from my back, resulting to him kicking me hardly.

Because of that, I lost my focus for a moment and Reo comes from behind before he kicks me in the stomach, resulting to me falling flat on the ground.

"Damn it..."

Reo comes at me and he grabs my hair harshly, making me groaned from the pain I felt. "You? You're the girl I poisoned at his room before... yet you still have the energy to come here?" Reo says as I struggled to get away from him.

"Nee-chan!" no way...

Mikan is running towards me right now. BAKA WHY DID YOU COME BACK?!

"Take Natsume and run away from here!" I say loudly, making her stop at her track. "But Nee-chan yo-"

"RUN!!!!!" I used all my energy to put all the men into my water carriage again, including Reo. I was panting real hard and I felt my body losing its energy. I don't think I can hold it in for too long. "Nee-chan!" Mikan called out for me with Natsume in her arms.

"Baka stop it! We have to run!" Natsume manages to say, despite him being in a more serious condition than I am. "No..."

"Run right now! I will catch up with you guys!" I exclaim but Mikan didn't move an inch from there. "I WILL PROTECT YOU GUYS SO PLEASE, RUN AWAY NOW!!!" I plead, feeling my energy almost drowning.

Mikan was on the verge of tears but she still did as I told her to. Both of them run away as fast as they can from here. Now... for these guys.

I can't let them die, they still need to be questioned by the teachers and police. What I had failed to notice was that there are more of them. Some of them are chasing after Natsume and Mikan while the others are surrounding me.

Ugh, I don't think I can take them all. My energy... what should I do?

"Little girl, it's time for you to stop. You can't beat us anyway" One of them said. I smirk at his statement, did he really thought that he can win over me?

They laughed at me loudly before circling me, each of them has a weapon in their hands. "Mia, turn yourself into water and escape from here" Watery says. But if I do that- then Reo will be free.

"Mikan is in danger right now!"

It didn't take me a second to transform myself into water and make myself invisible. "Where are they?" I ask to Watery. "We are nearing them, hold on!"

That being said but with this condition of mine, I only have enough energy to pull out another water carriage.

"There they are!"

I look up to where Mikan and Natsume are but the scene in front of me got my blood boing from anger. One of the men had pushed Mikan hardly, resulting to her hitting the wall behind her.

No... no... HOW DARE YOU!!!!

I was about to attack the men who are attacking both of them but Natsume... he doesn't look lile himself right now. Don't tell me he's going to-


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