79 - Revealed

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Mikan was wandering around when she spotted Mia sitting on the bench while closing her eyes

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Mikan was wandering around when she spotted Mia sitting on the bench while closing her eyes. "Mia-nee!" She calls out loudly, causing the older twin's shoulders to jolt up before snapping her head towards Mikan. Quickening her steps, Mikan seated herself beside Mia who smiles and wraps her arms around the younger twin's body as she buries her face into Mikan's chest.

"Mia-nee, did something happened?" Mikan asks while patting the older twin's back. Shaking her head, Mia settles down in her sister's embrace before saying, "Nothing, I just missed your fragrance of tangerine". Upon hearing her answer, Mikan cracks into a chuckle as she's quite amused from hearing Mia's statement.

The twins' laughter didn't last for a very long time when they heard the rustling of leaves coming from the bushes behind their backs. Mia and Mikan begin exchanging glances before standing up from the bench and peeking to see a familiar blond. Narumi is leaning his back against a tree while panting hardly. "Narumi-sensei, why are in such a place?" Mikan asks him.

Observing the teacher's washed-out condition and how Narumi is struggling to keep his half open eyelids from closing, Mia's stare rested on his right gloved hand. "Naru-sensei.." she mutters, feeling all hairs on her body to stand on their ends from the thought of Persona's black marks. The two of them went over the bushes and approach the blond teacher, panic is literally plastered on their facial expressions.

Upon witnessing Narumi sliding his back down against the tree and crashing onto the ground, Mia and Mikan let out a gasp before rushing to his side. "Narumi-sensei, are you tired? Should I call someone?" Mikan asks anxiously as Narumi glances at her and later to Mia in a weak movement as if all of his energy has been drained out from his body. "Mikan-chan, Mia-chan.." he mumbles.

"Calm down, you two. If I rest a bit, it should be okay. Don't make a fuss about it, you don't have to call for anyone" Narumi manages to croak out despite being in such a condition and the sight of him is shattering Mia's heart into tiny pieces. The older twin holds onto Narumi's left arm before shifting her stare on Mikan, "Mikan, go and call for someone. We need to get Naru-sensei to the hospital!" she exclaims.

Nodding her head in agreement, Mikan stands up to search for anyone who can help them. 'After Mikan went off, I will use the Stealing alice on Naru-sensei' Mia thought in her mind, planning a strategy to distract the younger twin so she will not attempt to activate her new alice. However, her plan was destroyed when Narumi holds onto Mikan, preventing the brunette to go.

"Sensei!" The twins gasp in terror from seeing Narumi losing consciousness. Biting her lips, Mikan takes the initiative to shake his body in hope that the blond will regain his consciousness while Mia leans against his chest and begins listening to his heartbeat which is beating in an abnormal pace. "Mia-nee, this is bad! Sensei won't wake up!" Mikan exclaims, trying to pull her hand out from Narumi's right gloved hand.

"Naru, because of that pheromone alice of yours, up until now nobody truly loved you. So have you ever felt anything deep down from your heart?"

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