84 - Top Priority

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"The future that you guys want, I don't care about that

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"The future that you guys want, I don't care about that. From now on, whatever happens..- I will protect them"

Those words; they remind Mia of herself. The way how his shoulders seem so strong and reliable, yet his heart is clutched with fear and doubts. She was uncertain of her own capability in protecting her loved ones. Despite those feelings continuously tormenting her soul, she kept on kicking the water under her feet. She will not drown here. Even with all those doubts consuming her mind, she will never surrender. For her sister and friends have given Mia a new purpose to live on.

Rather than standing in front of them with the thought of sacrificing one's self and uttering such words like "I will protect you" selfishly, standing by their side and engulfing this cold hand with warmth are more meaningful than letting them mourn for her death later on. For this very reason, she will rise. No matter how many times they trampled her down, she will rise and defeat them.

"Mia-nee?" Mikan blurts out, witnessing a whole new determination glimmering in her sister's hazel eyes. The younger twin is brought a few steps to the front, now standing beside Mia who are not letting go of Natsume and Mikan's hands. Her gaze never leaving the child figure of the elementary school principal.

Natsume steals a glance at the brunette, witnessing how she seems unfazed by his confession. Yet, the way she holds onto his hand so dearly in hers tells him the other way around. His feelings reach her and this is her way in answering him. No words were uttered but the two's trust towards each other will never falter. Natsume himself knows too well that Mia will not let him to fight alone. Just like in those bloody missions, they will always have each other's back.

"Let's do this, together"

Luna is infuriated by the children's actions and their endless disruptions in the ESP's plan. She rushes forward with a wicked expression, ready to suck their souls but was held back when Natsume wields his fire alice and creates a fire wall, protecting him and the twins. Meanwhile, Mia uses her water alice to create a tremendous amount of water thorns that surround Natsume's fire wall to strengthen their shield. "They are planning to escape by using the flame!" The fuukidais exclaim as they can feel the temperature of the room increasing.


Despite the blazing flame burning their skin, the air was suddenly rent by a cold voice belonged to that of the ESP as he called out for the said girl. "Stop Natsume's flame" He demands with absolute authority. Mia and Mikan shift their attention to Nobara who seems to be taken aback by the principal's command. "Nobara-chan.." Mikan mutters quietly, her stare not straying away from the ice bluenette.


Mia's heart skips a beat upon hearing her best friend's name being mentioned by Kuonji. She looks over Nobara's shoulders and finds Sawa struggling under Sojiro's rough grasp of her violet hair, her round glasses is no longer to be seeing. "Sawa.." the scene caused the anger in Mia's mind to explode, she desires nothing but to drown Sojiro in a boiling water right now. "After Nobara seizes them, capture those three in your black hole" Kuonji continues his words while his eyes retrace its path back to the three children.

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