38 - Keyhole

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Mia's POV

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Mia's POV

Leaning against the door, I released a sigh. I was right all along. This academy..held a secret that only a few knew. The fact that this person knows my name even though we have never met and the academy people are eyeing both me and Mikan, there must be a reason to all of this.

And that woman..

"Mizuki.." I mutter slowly as I placed my hand against my chest, why does my heart aches for you? Why did you cry?

Shaking my head, I dismissed the earlier thought. I shouldn't be worrying about other things for now.

I clenched my fist, solving the current problem should be my priority.

Using my Soul Speaking Alice, I start to detect on Bunny's location. It wil lead me to them in no time. Once figuring out the location, I move on secretly, being careful not to get caught by that Ice user again.

"Student Council.." I mutter under my breath as I finally arrived to everyone's location.

The moment I stepped into the room, my eyes widen when I saw the President of Student Council is touching Mikan's cheek. What the--

"Mikan!" I exclaim loudly and he retreats his hand from her. I shielded Mikan and glares at Sakurano Shuuichi. He takes a glance at me and soon is nodding his head.

"So you have the Nullification Alice and..hazel eyes" He mutters slowly and I notice how he is exchanging looks with Ho-chan's brother, Imai Subaru.

"Onee-chan! Where did you go just now? We were so worried!" Mikan exclaims as she hugs my waist. "Well..things just happened that way. I will explain it later" I say. "Don't make us worried you lil' one!" Tono senpai exclaims.

"Lil' one..?" I sweat dropped from the nickname he gave me.

"If Mikan is Lil' brat, then you are Lil' one!" Tono senpai exclaims, grinning like a fool. I frowned at the given nickname but just went along with it for now.


We are now on our way towards to place where the warphole is. Mikan is holding my hand as I walk in front of her. For some reasons, I feel uneasy after the coincidental meeting with Mizuki and that man.

"Mia?" Ruka called for me. I turn to look at him and he has a worried expression plastered on his face. "You are acting weird" he says slowly. "What? No way, I'm fine!" I exclaim.

"Then tell me about it when we have the time" Ruka simply says while smiling and went to walk beside Natsume. "Seriously.. Ruka!" I exclaim, ugh he won't buy it. I'm suck in lying. "Ne, Onee-chan, I never knew you and Ruka-pyon are close" Mikan suddenly says.

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