39 - Danger

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Mia's POV

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Mia's POV

"The road upwards is.."

Looking up to the front, the trees and plants looked gloomy and the atmosphere seems to darken the more we go deeper into the mountain.

"Let's hurry, we can't afford to waste anymore time" I stated and walk faster than before. If by any chance, we were late to save Sawa...who knows what will Z and her subordinates do to her?

Clenching my fist, the guiltiness begin to spread through my whole body.

"No! Mia, don't come here!!!"

If it wasn't for me, Sawa..you wouldn't have to went through those sufferings. "I will definitely come and save you" I mutter slowly, thinking that no one would have heard it, especially the raven-haired beside me.

"PENGUIN!!!!" Mikan suddenly shouted out loud. By the time I turned my back to face them, Penguin was already in a man-eating plant's hold.

"Sakura!!" Ruka calls for Mikan but she didn't hold back instead, she went straight towards penguin before taking a wooden stick to save Penguin. "Mikan! Don't run over without thinking!" I say as I run to her aid.

I make some water thorns to kill off that plant and pulled Mikan away from it. Turns out that a gigantic tree waa annoyed by our noises that it begins to attack us. It launches its attack continuously, hurting both Tsubasa senpai and Natsume.

"BLOODY NOISY, THE BUNCH OF YOU!" the tree says angrily. "Mikan, stay here!" I exclaim before running over to Tsubasa senpai and shielded him by using a water shield.

"WHOA! Ruka-pyon, don't come over! Stay there!" Tsubasa senpai says and I look over at Ruka who is under the tree's roots.

"The tree looks like it will calm down soon.." I mutter, still holding on to my water shield to shield Tsubasa senpai and Natsume.

"Don't squirt your sap everywhere and all over!!!!" Another tree exclaims angrily as it begins to attack the first tree with its sap. Feeling drained out, I can't hold on to my water shield for long and in a matter of seconds, it disappears.


"You dare to..on my soft and smooth skin?!"

"Why did you spit on me?!"

The battle between the trees continues as they keep on spitting to each other and due to stress, their leaves begins to fall down onto us. Natsume, who is in front of me had a fallen raw persimmon on his head right now.

These trees..are they asking to be killed?!


The trees are starting to get agitated more and launches its attack by swinging one of their root but it ends up hitting Ruka hardly. No way-

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