43 - Bitter Ironies

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Mia's POV

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Mia's POV

I felt myself being surrounded by water after jumping through the cave. Gaining my composure, I swim towards the surface. What the..

There are smokes around us. A volcano?

Penguin hold onto my shoulder and I put him onto the ground before taking off my blazer. Looking around,  everyone is trying to dry their uniform and Natsume uses his alice to help us.

"That's the exit of the volcano, right?" Mikan asks.

"Dunno.. it doesn't feel quite like that either" Tsubasa senpai says while drying his blazer.

As I was wiping off the water on Penguin using my uniform's sleeve, Mikan suddenly screams out loud, shocking me in the process.

"THERE ARE ACTUALLY TIGERS IN THIS KIND OF PLACE!!!" Mikan exclaims, totally terrified while pointing her index finger to a deer that had followed us here. I tilt my head in confusion, what on earth she is saying?

"What's up with this girl? Her brain must've rotted" Natsume says.

As I was scanning around, my eyes to Ruka and I had to blink a few times, not believing myself. "Ruka..where did you get a rabbit pajama in this volcano?" I ask and he was totally crepped out by it.

"Let me touch your ears!" I exclaim happily but before I could do so, I was smacked on the head. "Ugh, that hurts.." I groan in pain, I don't need to turn around to know who the hell had smacked me cause it's obvious who.

Tsubasa senpai told us not to breathe in the smoke because most likely it's illusion incense or something similar to that.

"A tactic to chase people away huh.." I mutter slowly. "At that volcano exit, there's probably someone purposely putting smoke in to make it appear to be active" Tsubasa senpai interprets.

Later, we found a hole that is not smoking and decided to climb down it. Tsubasa senpai went first, then Mikan, me, Ruka and Natsume for the last.

We used our hands and legs to crawl down the hole but then the walls suddenly shakes on its own, resulting us to lose balance and fall down.

"Ouch..hurts like hell" I groan in pain after the impact. "Get off y'all" Tsubasa senpai says, as he was at the bottom. We quickly get off from him then Mikan and I help Tsubasa senpai to stand up.

"Hey..seems like our prediction was right" Natsume says and our eyes landed on the door in front of us. "Why is there a door here?" Mikan asks.

"The origin of Z.." Tsubasa senpai mutters as he and Natsume steps forward to the door.

"That we've invaded this place, they should.."

"..probably already know"

Tsubasa senpai went to check on the door, figuring a way to open it. "Hey, move away. We'll just wreck it directly" Natsume stated. "Don't use your alice for something so minor, we'll use my shadow manipulation to open the door" Tsubasa senpai says as I was quite relieved hearing his words.

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