18 - Iinchou's Haunted Mansion

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• Before they went to
the Haunted Mansion •

"Mia! Sawa!" both of them turned their head in sync upon hearing someone calling their names. "Itaku-senpai?" Sawa says as she watch Itaku running after them.

Upon reaching both girls, "Where are both of you headed?" Itaku asks, still panting. Sweats started to form on his forehead and Sawa noticed it and she takes oout her handkerchief before wiping off his sweat.

"Geez senpai, you didn't have to run" Sawa says as she wipes off Itaku's sweat. "O-oh, really? Thanks.." Itaku replies awkwardly and it gives Mia a weird idea but well, she should test it out to know if it's real or not.

"Itaku senpai, how about you and Sawa go to the Somatic Class stalls? Sawa has been wanting to go there since earlier" Mia says as she sends signals to Itaku and his face turned beet red.

"Ehh? But Mia, aren't we-"

"You will have to wait for me after all so I think it's better if you go now or you won't make it. I'll be fine" Mia assured her and Sawa says, "Okay then! Senpai, let's go!"

She holds Itaku's hand, making the guy flustered before dashing off to the Somatic Class's stalls.

"He can't be more than obvious tho" Mia says as she chuckles silently watching Itaku being all flustered like that.


"Onee-chan, are you also coming in?" Mikan whispers silently to me as we link arms into the entrance

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"Onee-chan, are you also coming in?" Mikan whispers silently to me as we link arms into the entrance. "Duh, then why am I here with you now?" Mia says.

"But, aren't you-"

"I'll be fine, you are here after all"

"Not going to make any differences tho" Mikan stated as both of them know that they are going to be in big trouble.

a few minutes later...

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Mikan shouts loudly as a bloody hand grabs on her leg. She cried loudly and was holding Luka's arm tightly, not wanting to let go. "Sakura..you're hurting me" Luka says but after he saw how scared Mikan is, his face gets a bit red.

"Who just said that they are SOOOOOOOO used to ghosts again?" Natsume says, imitating Mikan's words just before they went into the haunted mansion.

Meanwhile, Mia is in front of Luka and Mikan while as Natsume is in the front.

Mia watches as Mikan holds tightly to Luka's arm and secretly wish she can also hold Mikan but she knows better than to interrupt both of them.

"Mia, are you scared?" Watery suddenly asks her in her mind. "N-no I'm not scared" Mia replies but her actions are totally the opposite of what she is telling. Her whole body is shaking terribly but she holds it in so that Mikan wouldn't feel to scared.

"Stop pretending to be strong, it's okay to be scared" Watery remarks.

Truth to be told, she is very scared of ghosts. Maybe more scared than Mikan but she buried down her fear so that Mikan will feel safe. Even right now, she doesn't show her fear.

Mia's POV

I turn around to make sure Mikan is okay and was relieved when I saw Luka lets her hold onto him. My lips curled a small smile before turning back to the front.

What surprise me more is that, Natsume is also looking at them and

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What surprise me more is that, Natsume is also looking at them and..he looks kind of angry? That is impossible tho, he will never get angry at Luka.


"AAAIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" both me and Mikan shouts in the same time as a wall full with ghosts face and head suddenly comes out of nowhere.

"AHHHHHH" I shout out loud since the ghost's face was so close to me and it has blood all over its face!

My legs finally give in and I fall down to the floor while covering my ears. No...don't come near me!

I could feel my tears flowing down my cheeks as the ghost's sound becomes louder. No...please..don't come near me..

The sound becomes louder and I can't take it anymore. I was dead scared, my head started to feel dizzy.


"Don't come near me!!! Go away!!!" I shout out loud while crying. I don't care if I'm being childish or what, I can't stand ghosts!

"Open your eyes moron, it's Natsume" Upon hearing his voice, I instantly open my eyes and meet his red eyes.

"Geez, looks like both sisters are a cowa-"

I cut him off as I buried myself on his chest, hugging him as if my life depended on it.

"Oi, let go" Natsume says but I didn't do as he says, instead, I hold onto him tighter. "Please..just this once. Don't let me go"

We stayed in that position until I've finally calm down. So,

Since I finally come to my senses,

How do I act as if me hugging him is not awkward anymore?

"Hey, Natsume.." I mutter slowly, he doesn't reply but I know he is listening. "The other day, I heard your talk with Mikan and..why did you said that I should stop worrying about you?" I ask, I didn't look at him since we are still in this hugging position.

"Because it's troublesome" Natsume answers and that just give my heart the final blow. It felt like all these times, me wanting him to feel better even a bit were all useless.

"Oh, is that so? Then..I-I will st-"

"I don't like your worried face, it troubles me"


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