13 - Level Up!

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Mikan had woken up, seeing her friends and Narumi sensei are around her bed. "Natsume! Nee-chan! How are they? Where are they right now?" She asks as soon as she sits up straight on the bed.

"Calm down Mikan, the incident has settled down" Hotaru says. "Natsume blew up the place out of anger and fortunately, Mia-chan was there to protect you guys in her water carriage" Narumi explains to her.

"Really?! Then, where is Nee-chan right now?" Mikan asks and suddenly, the whole room becomes quiet. "Hey...why are you guys keeping silence?" Mikan continue to ask. No way... did something happened to her Nee-chan?

"Mia is okay but... she took the most damage out of the three of you. She is not yet to be councious" Narumi says while looking down. If he had arrive earlier, then he might be able to protect Mia from being injured too much.

"I'm sorry Mikan-chan, sensei should have arrived earlier to save you guys but..."

"It's okay sensei, I'm sure Nee-chan feels the same way" Mikan says before smiling brightly to her sensei and friends. "Nee-chan might doesn't look like it but she cares a lot about the people she loves. Just like how she protected me and Natsume, that shows how much she is willing to sacrifice herself to save us. She did the same to me when we were young" Mikan says, reminiscing back to her past.

"I can't wait to hug Nee-chan when she wakes up later"


Mia's POV

Ugh, my head hurts so much. What is this smell though? It kinda feels familiar to me. I tried to move my fingers a bit but my whole body hurts so much. Damn it, since when I got this weak?

Even opening my eyes are so hard at this moment. My eyelids feel heavy but I tried my best to open it. "Mia..." a voice echoed near me. Isn't that Sawa-chan's voice?

"Mia-chan!" Sawa-chan exclaims as soon as I opened both my eyes. Ugh, she's crying again. I must be in the hospital right now. "Hey...stop crying, I'm okay" I say weakly, forcing my lips to form a small smile to her. "Nee-chan!" Mikan, who is sitting next to my bed says.

"NEE-CHAN IS AWAKE!" she exclaims in delight before engulfing me in a tight hug. "Agh... Agh! That hurts!" I groaned when I feel my shoulder started to hurt. "I'm sorry Nee-chan!" Mikan says, I shook my head to her before telling her to help me to sit up straight.

I look around my room and there are a lot of them here. Naru-sensei, Ho-chan, Luca, Sumire, Sawa-chan and Mikan. But it's just Sawa-chan and Mikan who are awake, the others are sleeping on the couch. A small smile crept up on my lips, did they wait for me to wake up until they were asleep themselves?

Sawa-chan and Mikan told me about everything that happened with Reo and his gang. Unfortunately, they weren't caught since they got away with a transport door before the people from Alice Gakuen could arrive.

"Nee-chan! Look! I'm now a One-Star!" Mikan exclaims happily as she showed me her star. I giggled from her action as I ruffled her hair. "Congrats Mikan! I'm proud of you!" I say with a wide smile. Finally she is free from the title 'No-Star'

"And this one is for you" Sawa-chan says as she handed me something and placed it on my palm. A star?

"Congratulations Mia-chan! You're now a Triple-Star!" she says excitedly while clapping her hands.

Wait, "WHAT?!!"

"The teachers complimented you on your quick reflexes and excellent control on your Alice! Being able to fight all those men alone, you deserve to be leveled up!" Sawa-chan explained.

I spotted some wild flowers being placed on the table and my lips instantly formed a smile. Bear came to visit me? That kinda explains all the flowers in this room

That reminds me, how many days I was uncouncious?

"How many days I was uncouncious?" I ask to both of them. "Four days, you had the most damage out of the three. Natsume had woken up yesterday but he's still receiving treatment here" Mikan says.

"Oh, is that so? That's a relief" I say, both of them left to get me some drinks while I lie down on the bed again, my body still hurts. "Watery, are you okay?" I ask, suddenly I feel the urge to hear her voice. "I'm okay and you are not in any position to be asking about someone else's condition right now" Watery says, somehow I could feel she's smiling at me.

"Hehe, don't worry! I will get better in no time" I utter. That reminds me, is Natsume okay? He was in pain at that time...

"Are you thinking about that boy?"

"Yeah, he keeps appearing in my mind" I answered. Why is Natsume always like that? Whenever I see him, he's not smiling neither laughing. Why does he always put a strong front, as if telling everyone not to get close to him?

"Mia, I overheard something during Mikan's kidnapping. Wanna hear about it?" Watery suddenly asks, now that's very unusual, coming from her. I nodded my head as I was curious myself.

"Reo said that Natsume turned his hometown in a sea of fire in just one night and it happened two years ago, when he was only eight years old" what?

I covered my mouth out of shock, there's no way Natsume would do something like that!

"Since then, he was taken by the academy and was forced to do their dirty jobs while in Dangerous Class" Watery says. So that means, the guy who hurt Natsume the other day is his teacher? That's absurd! How can the school used him for their own good?!

"He's always hiding something... he's nice and kind, he has his own way to show his affection. That's why people sometimes misunderstood him" I mutter slowly, how can you protect others when you can't even protect yourself?

"Mia-chan, sorry for the long wait!" Sawa-chan says as she enters the room with Mikan. I look up at them and their face changes the moment our eyes met.

"Nee-chan... why are you crying?"


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