8 - Sawa Saved The Day!

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Sawa's POV

Ugh...the earthquake is too strong. What should I do now?! Everyone is still in the classroom and at this rate it would be impossible for them to escape!

If only I can use my Alice...

Yeah! That's right! I can use Gravity Manipulation and use that technique! It's still not complete but I gotta do it. To protect everyone.

Focusing on my Alice, strays of light appeared from the palm of my hand.

Gravity Manipulation: Black Hole!!!

In just a moment, a massive black hole covered the whole academy. Sucking its full content, not leaving even a small part of it being left out. But, because of the huge scale, I can't control it for a long time.

Feeling the strength in my body slowly disappearing, a pair of hands hold onto my shoulders. Grabbing it tightly. "Sawa! Give it your all!!"


Yeah, I'm doing this to protect everyone. I'm not weak like before, I will use this power to protect those who are dear to me!!!



Sawa! Sawa!"

A voice..?

Ugh, my head hurts so much. Why are there like so many voices are surrounding me? I want to open my eyes but I'm too tired for it. Just when I wanted to give up, that voice is calling for me again.

"Sawa...wake up already"

That reminds me..Mia? I don't know if my lips is smiling or not but I feel so happy. Having a friend by my side, was something I always wish for. Yeah, I only wish for it but had never tried to overcome my own weakness. It's because of Mia, I gained this confidence to stand up for myself.

To smile, to laugh freely without any concern.

Thank you Mia.

When I wake up, I want to talk to you, about lots of things. There are tons of stories I want to tell you and lots of things I wanna share with you.

End of POV


Mia's POV


I hold Sawa's hand dearly, not wanting to let go. Her Alice's technique, Black Hole reached its limit as soon as the earthquake ended. Because it was the first time Sawa used it, the effect to the user will cause an exhaustion. Naru-sensei told me she has to rest for a few days.

Apparently, not many people realized they were in Sawa's black hole because her Gravity alice can also make the time went slower than it supposed to be. The duration of the black hole was only for 1 minute. But in reality, it's been 15 minutes.

"Onee-chan, Agata-san!" Mikan's voice echoes from the hallway outside of this room. A moment later, the door slams open as it reveals a panic Mikan who's panting hardly right now. Resting her stare on me, she quicken her steps and engulf me into a hug. "Onee-chan, are you okay?" she asks slowly, her tone of voice reflects her emotions.

My lips curve into a small before patting the younger twin's back, "I'm alright. How about you and everyone?" I ask curiously, hoping all of them to be safe. Mikan nods her head as she pulls away from our hug, "All of us are saved thanks to Agata-san!" she exclaims, flashing me her dazzling smile.


After a few days of resting, Sawa and I are finally given the permission to attend classes. "Finally, it feels so stuffy staying in that room all day" I say, stretching my hands out of relieved for being discharged from the hospital.

Turning my head around to face the violet-haired girl beside me, I notice how her facial expression darken and dropped from the thought of going back to the classroom which had never once acknowledged her existence.

"Don't worry, I told them everything. About how you protected us from getting injured, I'm sure they have change their perspectives on you, Sawa!" I assure the violet-haired girl.

"Thank you, Mia" Sawa utters, flashing me a smile. If those guys are still with their bratty attitude, I'll drown them.

The moment I opened the door to the classroom, blasts of music is played and sounds of popping are everywhere! My eyes widen so does Sawa's! I look at the banner that is hanging on the chalkboard,


Without me realizing it myself, I was already smiling. "Mia-chan and Sawako-chan..." Iinchou started while walking towards the two of us and hands something to us.

He places it on the palm of my hand,


There are two of them! I look at Sawa's and guess what? She got Double Stars too!!! "Sawa!!!" I exclaim happily before hugging her. She hugs me back and I'm sure she is crying. She was a No-Star before, be able to climb up the Star ranking, she must feels so happy!

"From today onwards, both of you are Double-Stars! Congrats!" Iinchou says and claps his hands, followed by the others. Sumire and those who talked bad about Sawa before, all of them apologize and make up with each other.

"We are sorry for hurting your feelings and treating you like a trash all this time Agata-san. We're really sorry!!"

I smiled. Sawa doesn't need to bear the pain she's been getting for all this time anymore. Finally, she is freed from there.

Apparently, Naru-sensei had gave our class free times for today and they had been preparing for this welcome back party since last night. I don't know if it's just me but, the bond that we shared in this class has gotten stronger day by day. It will be wonderful if it can goes on for a very long time.


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