20 - Raise the Curtains Up!

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Mia's POV

"Mia-chan, are you okay? You look gloomy" Itaku senpai asks as he approaches me

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"Mia-chan, are you okay? You look gloomy" Itaku senpai asks as he approaches me. "Ah, nothing senpai. I just remembered something terrible" I say when the scene where Natsume lifted up Mikan's skirt popped up in my mind again for the fifth time.

"Is it because of Hyuuga Natsume again?" Itaku senpai sneakily asks, his grin getting wider. "Tsk, no way" I simply said before focusing on my lines again.

"Mia, here" Sawa says and handed me a bottle of water. "Thanks Sawa" I say and gulped down the water until it's half empty.

"Are you really okay with not telling anyone about our play? I mean, they must wanted to watch it" Sawa asks and yeah, I'm kinda regretting that but it's still better than letting them watch me in this dress.

Not as bad as Luka tho..

"They will come to watch Luka's play so no doubt we will meet. Let's make it a surprise!" I exclaim and Sawa agrees with me.

"You two really are in sync in this kind of thing huh?" Itaku senpai says as he eyed both of us. "Well, thank you" Sawa and I said at the same time, shocking both of us too.

"This is bad Mia..I don't want to be your soul mate!" Sawa exclaims as she faked sweatdropped. "Hey! How dare you!" I say before we started to chase each other in the waiting room.


"I told you they would be here!" I say as we saw Mikan and others are being charmed by Luka's dress. "Luka-kun actually suits that dress tho!" Sawa says as she eyes Luka. Well, she ain't wrong.

"You're really adorable Luka-pyon! Just like a real girl!" I heard Mikan said and in an instant, Luka's expression changed. Ouch

Luka went away from there and was approaching us, "You know she just wanted to praise you, right?" I ask to Luka and he nods before going on his way again.

Sigh..poor the guy's heart.

"And then- wait, ISN'T THAT-"



All of them suddenly surrounded me and asking me bunch of questions. "Our class will also have a play about a Water Fairy saving a kingdom" Itaku senpai says from behind as he hold my hand, taking me out from the crowd.

"Please watch it carefully okay?" He says and I laugh as I saw the girls' drooling over Itaku senpai.

"Sorry for not telling you guys about it earlier! I wanted to make it a surprise!" I exclaim before doing a high-five with Sawa. "Mia will be the Water Fairy and I will be her assistant in the story" Sawa explained.

"And this person here, Kirishima Itaku senpai who is also a Water type Alice will be the king of the kingdom" Sawa says and takes Itaku's senpai hand in hers. If only she knew how her action is killing the person's heart now..

"You look so pretty Mia-chan!" Anna and Nonoka complimented me even though they are now clinging on Yuri senpai who has girls-only pheromone Alice will be playing the prince for Somatic Class's play.

"Hmm, what's wrong Mikan?" I ask as I saw Mikan is eyeing me. "No..it's just..you look so pretty Onee-chan! That dress suits you so much!" She exclaims happily which make my cheeks went red.

"Mikan...somehow that just sounds weird coming from you" I mutter and her face dropped in an instant. Pfft she's really easy to trick. "Thank you, lil sis" I say, patting Mikan's head as both of us are smiling to each other.

*click* *click*

"Ho-chan, what was that?" I ask, looking at Ho-chan who is holding a camera in front of us. "Oops sorry my hands slipped" she quickly covers it.

"If you're going to take pictures, then you have to be in it too" I say and ask for Iinchou's help to take our pictures together.

"1...2...3!" Iinchou says as me, Mikan and Ho-chan smiles at the camera. "I'm gonna paste it on my room's wall after this!" I exclaim happily as I look at the pictures.

While everyone was chatting, I notice how Natsume was leaning against the wall all by himself. Luka is not with him?

"Don't hesitate, go on" Watery says, as if she knows what I wanted to do.


I approach Ho-chan and whispered something to her and surprisingly, she agreed with me.


He looks at me with his usual cold gaze but I didn't care about that. That's Natsume after all. Even though it will be better if he tries to enjoy himself more.

"Let's take pictures with everyone!" I exclaim while stretching out my hand for him. "Let's go?"

"Huh? Why should I-" he was cut off when Mikan comes and said, "Eh? Natsume will also join? Everyone! Let's take pictures again!" she exclaims happily.

Mikan went off and tell everyone about it and it seems like they love the idea too. "See? Everyone wants to have a picture together, and that includes you too. C'mon Natsume! Let's go!" I exclaim before taking his hand and went into the picture.

Without realizing, we took the pic while I'm still holding Natsume's hand.


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