21 - Realizing

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(So I think that you guys, the readers probably know how Koko, the mind reader brought the slime balls and it accidentally knocked it over everyone, some of the actors/actresses including the Prince, Queen and Huntsman also got slime balled, right?

I'm not skipping that part cause I'm lazy tho😂)


"Mia-chan! Are you okay?" Itaku asks as he approaches Mia who's lying on the floor. "Yeah, I'm fine- WHAT HAPPENED?!" Mia asks, in shock that the moment she opened her eyes, some actors/actresses for their play got slime balled.

"This is bad..almost the whole crew got slimed balled, how can we continue this play?" Sawa asks as she scanned through everyone from their Latent Class.

Mia look over at Somatic Class's condition and they are also the same like them. Most of their actors are slime balled.

"This is no good..there's only 10 minutes before the curtain is up and if we have to delay it, we only have 30 minutes!" I heard a student from Somatic Class said.

'No way..after all of us worked so hard for this' Mia thought, remembering how she and the others worked hard for this play. Itaku notices the girl's frown and chuckles a bit before ruffling her hair.

"What are you frowning about? We still got time!" He exclaims even though he, himself is stucked on the chair he was sitting.

"Mia, how about a collaboration?" Sawa suddenly asks. Collaboration?

"Somatic Class is doing 'The Sleeping Snow White in the Woods' while us, Latent Class is doing 'The Water Fairy'. If we changed the storyline a bit, we can combine the two plays" Sawa explains and her idea sparks a lighting bulb above Narumi's head.

"You're a genius Sawako-chan! Everyone! Gather here!" Narumi says loudly, calling all crew to him.

Sawa and Narumi begin to exchange ideas based on their each respective class and soon, they come up with another storyline in less than 5 minutes.

"We can't do much about the characters who got slime balled so we gonna use the under studies for it" Narumi announces.

He will be the huntsman who wants to kill Snow White, Luka after receiving that order from Sleeping Beauty, Sumire. Unfortunately for the huntsman, when he wanted to kill Snow White at the river, a Water Fairy, Mia comes up and protects Snow White.

So far, that's their plan.

Narumi went to settle some things again for the Somatic Class while Itaku and Mia settled on for Latent Class.

Apparently, some of the characters couldn't even act since the storyline has been changed and it is disheartening Mia.

"Mia-chan? Don't look too down" A senpai told Mia as she puts her hand on the little girl's shoulder.

"We've all worked hard for this play, even though luck was not on our side. But, it's okay. We don't have any regrets at all so you guys who can still go up on stage, give it your all! Don't give up until the very last moment!" She says enthusiastically while smiling.

Everyone from the Latent Class beging to feel cheerful again and they all look at each other while smiling before chanting, "LET'S DO OUR BEST!!!"


Mia's POV

I was reviewing my lines again when I heard Mikan's laughs. What is so funny?

The moment I turn my head to her direction, I saw a... cat?



Why is he wearing that cat costume?

"Natsume.." I mutter slowly but instead of asking him why, I noticed that Natsume's hand is stucked with one of the kids playing for the role of 'The Seven Dwarves' for Somatic Class.

Did he went out all that way for that kid? Unknowingly to myself, I was smiling while watching Natsume. He doesn't have a smile on his face, instead he puts on his usual poker face.

Luka is right all along. Natsume isn't a bad person, he is also not a cold-hearted person too. He just has his own ways of protecting others, even though he sometimes played the role of the bad guy, he did all of that to protect those who are dear to him.

"Watery.." I utter slowly, making sure no one heard us.


"The question you asked me before, what is Natsume to me? I think, I've found my answer" I say slowly. This feelings of wanting you to smile are growing stronger day by day.

I don't know if this is what people called 'love' or 'like', but for now, 'protect' is the best word to convey my feelings for Natsume.

"I will protect Natsume's smile"

So that one day, Natsume can go on one day without an unending smiles as he enjoys his life. I really hope..that day will come soon.

"You really do like him" Sawa says, shocking the living daylights of me.

"Y-you heard us?" I ask, she always approached me quietly and eavesdrop first! "Well, you were smiling softly and I just need to find out the reason why. Your eyes told everything" Sawa says before she holds my hand.

"Wishing and wanting a certain person to smile, isn't that what we called love?" Sawa asks, squeezing my hand in hers. "I think you are right" I say, my eyes rested on Natsume again.

"I like you"

I hope this word will reach you one day.


Mia finally realized her feelings for Natsume!(๑و•̀ω•́)

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