22 - Snow White & Water Fairy

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"Onee-chan! Look! Natsume is-" Mikan was energetically saying before Natsume comes from behind and kick her. "Stuck up brat" Mikan retorts while sticking out her tongue to Natsume.


"Well, I can't deny that it suits you" Mia says, earning a glare from Natsume as the twins high-five each other.

Suddenly, they heard the commotion about the character of prince whom was originally played by Yuri but because she got slime balled, they need an under study for the role.

At this moment, Natsume and Mia turn their head at the same direction and were smirking at each other before,

"Naru sensei, Mikan can be the Prince"

"Oi Naru, let this idiot plays the Prince"

Both of them said it simultaneously, earning a look from Mikan. "Ehh?!!!" Mikan shouts out loud as she points her finger at her own face. "B-but Narumi sensei! I can't act-"

"Do what you can do, the show must go on. You ain't gonna make me wore this for nothing" Natsume stated coldly and everyone was dead silent from his command which actually amused Mia a bit.


"Mikan?" Mia calls for her lil sis who is in the changing room. Her eyes widen a bit as she scans Mikan's clothes of Prince. It's weird that it kinda suits her tho.

"Onee-chan, do I look okay?" Mikan asks, a tint of blush can be seen on her cheeks. Mia lets out a chuckle before saying, "You look good Mikan, have more confidence in yourself"

"Ne, Ho-chan, isn't it better if Mikan let her hair down?" Mia asks to Hotaru and she also agrees with her. "Eh? But I feel itchy if I let down my hair" Mikan complains.

"Have you seen a Prince with pigtails? If not, sit back" Mia says and she lets Hotaru to do Mikan's hair.

After a while, someone knocks on the door. "Luka?"

Without warning Mia first, Hotaru takes a hold of Mia's arm before taking her out of the room. Leaving only Mikan and Luka in it.

"Ho-chan... don't tell me-"

"It's exactly like what you're thinking now" Hotaru says and Mia's lips form a small smirk. "Mikan is really amazing huh? She got Luka all over her like that" Mia says as she releases a sigh, she would've never thought there will be a day she can see a guy crushing on Mikan.

Even though it should happen years ago but the guys at their place before are blind af.

"Well, it's not only Luka though" Hotaru remarks, her lips forming a small smile as she turns to look at Mia.

"What do you mean-"

Before she could ask Hotaru about it, someone calls for them to get ready.


The play is finally reaching Mia's part as the Water Fairy.

Snow White went into the woods, she was happy as all the animals are surrounding her when suddenly, a huntsman comes out of nowhere.

'Isn't that Narumi?' the crowd begins to chatter

"As expected" The Somatic Class sigh in unison, watching their teacher took the stage.

"Good luck Mia!" Sawa chants from backstage as Mia went out to the stage. She uses her Alice and form a circle water which she used to sit down on. "W-who are you?!" The huntsman says dramatically.

"The fairy who will protect you, my dear Snow White" Mia says her lines perfectly, earning screams from the audience and it begins to get louder when she attacked Narumi with her water thorns.

Soon, the huntsman was defeated and the Water Fairy, Mia went up to the Snow White before she kneels down in front of her, "I'm always protecting you" Mia says, this time, the crowd begins to cheer loudly.

"Good job Mia!" Sawa exclaims happily as she hugs Mia who just comes out from the stage. "Hehe thanks Sawa" she says and return the hug too.

"It will soon be the last scene"


As Mia says that, she notices Natsume with one of the kids for The Seven Dwarves and approached them. "You worked hard kiddo" Mia says while smiling softly to the kid, ruffling his hair.

"You too, Natsume" She says as their eyes meet. "Not like I did something big or what" he utter as he fixes his eyes on something else.. or someone else.

Out of curiosity, Mia follows Natsume's eyes when she noticed that his stares kinda changed. When their eyes meet, his eyes are cold but..when he looks at Mikan, his eyes changed.

It was as if he is looking after her secretly, watching her every step as she acts on the stage awkwardly. It was the gaze that she can't receive from Natsume.

Now that Mia thinks about it, Natsume's aura seems to change whenever he is with Mikan. Even when they were in the haunted mansion, he didn't look happy with Mikan clinging onto Luka.

Without noticing, the play finally reach the last scene. The person in charge for the cue card wrote something and held it high over his head. Everyone's eyes widened the moment they read the cue card.


"Wai- Naru sensei! This is not the original plan!" a student from Somatic Class exclaims loudly. Mia looks over at Mikan, hoping she will be okay. Ugh, do they really have to kiss?

Slowly, it looks like Mikan finally gives in as she leans closer to Luka. She closes her eyes, her face is beet red, the same goes to Luka. Their lips were almost touching when-

a black out happened.

Seconds before the black out, Mia watched as Natsume took an apple and threw it at Mikan, preventing them from kissing.

"Natsume..?" Mia mutters his name slowly as Natsume went away from there, leaving her side.

"He can't be more than obvious tho" Hotaru suddenly stated from Mia's back, she was startled for a second but then Hotaru's words are disturbing her.

"What do you mean by that?" She asks.

"Natsume likes Mikan"


I also feel sad when writing this part (╥﹏╥) imagining realizing you like someone but that person like your siblings ( TДT)

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