58 - Stuck

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Mia is pretty sure that Natsume and Mikan could separate from each other just now, but why is Natsume acting like this?

Stepping forward to him, the look in his eyes has changed. It has a purpose, one that he has to fulfill no matter what. "What are you doing?" Mia whispers slowly to him. Natsume doesn't say a thing, he only stares at her.

'Mia, believe in Natsume' Fiery suddenly says through her mind. 'Why is he acting like this? Does he--' Mia was cut off when Fiery replies,

'Natsume knows what he's doing right now, he needs to go to the flower garden party'

Is this why he looks so uneasy after hearing the stuff regarding hanahime? Clenching her fist, she hopes he at least tell her what's going on in his mind. Natsume probably..asked Fiery to tell her those words. She sighed, then if that's what he wants her to do, then she will.

"I'll believe in you" Mia utters slowly, meeting his crimson eyes before standing next to Sawa who gives her a look of concern. She probably has noticed the air between the two of them.

"Hey, Natsume, Mikan, you two can't be stuck together too, right?" Tsubasa asks after being beaten up by Ho-chan's baka gun. "Ah, no..Natsume is the one.." Mikan's words were cut off when he grips onto her wrist tightly, causing her to shriek in pain.

"We're stuck" Natsume stated before turning his face to Mikan, giving off a very deadly aura which has successfully silenced Mikan. "We can't get apart, right? Polka dots?" Natsume asks sternly, sending her a cold glare.

"Ye--Yes.." Mikan replies slowly, terrified by him.

"This is really a problem. With Mikan in this situation, will she be able to join the party tomorrow?" Tsubasa asks.

"She probably wouldn't be able to. People not invited by the MSP wouldn't be able to attend as companions, especially guys" Narumi stated as he steps into the dining hall and Mikan rushes to hug him while crying. "Ah-! Sensei!"

"I felt uneasy, so I came back to have a look" Narumi says as he pats Mikan's head.

While in Hotaru's group, it seems like she was giving off this deadly aura to Tsubasa, literally glaring at him for crashing her supposed-to-be special treatment. "Mi----saki! Ho..Hotaru-sama is scarryyy" Tsubasa says, shaking out of fear from Hotaru's glare.

"Serves you right, idiot! It's your fault!" Misaki exclaims, pushing the poor guy away.

The effect of the sticky powder can actually be momentarily overcome with sustained pulling but when that external force disappears, they'll revert to their original conditions, like a magnetic north pole to a south pole.

Soon later, it was decided if they need to change, they will do it with a curtain to separate the two and should be able to tolerate not showering for two to three days.

"The problem is when they sleep or go to the bathroom"

Mikan, Mia and Hotaru's eyes widened at those words as they surround Tsubasa, shocking the poor guy. "Ah..this is really a big problem. In the end they're held together by such a strong force, it won't be possible to close the door when they're in the toilet" he says, trembling as Hotaru holds out her baka gun once again.

...and at this very moment,

"AH----! YOU BIG PERVERTED IDIOT!!" Mikan screams loudly as she is in the toilet but Natsume is still holding her hand, resulting the toilet door to not be closed while she's inside.

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