30 - Breaking and Entering

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Before Iinchou and Mia were allowed to go back to class,

"Mia,I have something to tell you" Seriina sensei said. They were still in the research lab. "What is it sensei?" Mia asks, why did her face looked so tense up?

"Both of your Alices.. are very powerful and it will take a lot of damage on your body, but, from our investigation, there was no damage done to your body until the day your Water Alice was stolen" Seriina sensei said, shocking her and Iinchou. What..how can that be?

"Did you and your Water Alice are close?" She asked further, seeing the confused expression of Mia. She nodded slowly, what is the connection between her relationship with Watery in this case?

"It looks like your Water Alice empowered your Soul Speaking Alice, thus leading to this situation..This might not be my situation to say this but we think that Watery, your Water Alice has protected you from taking any damage all these times. But now it was stolen and you are left with only Soul Speaking Alice..."

"I will be taking damages..?" Mia's voice trailed off, she could feel her eyes were getting teary. Not because she will get hurt in the future but because Watery..had been protected her all these times yet she knew nothing about her sacrifices.


Without herself realizing, tears were already trickling down her cheeks

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Without herself realizing, tears were already trickling down her cheeks. "I-I'm such an idiot...a-all th-these times..W-Watery-" She choked on her tears, unable to hold her feelings anymore.

"Mia-chan.." Iinchou was only able to hang his head low, although he just found out about Mia's Soul Speaking Alice, realizing she had such a beautiful bond with her Alice was saddening him even more.

"It will be best if you restrained yourself from using your Alice too often, because if you do, it's not only your body which will take the damage, your life-span will also shorten" Seriina sensei finished her words before turning her head to another way.

On their way back to class,

"Iinchou" Mia called his name slowly. Iinchou turned at her before asking, "Yeah?"

"Please don't tell anyone about what you've heard in the research lab just now, even to Mikan" Mia said, her eyes seemed sad but her lips pursued a smile. "But Mia-chan it--"

"Please, I don't want anyone to know about this. Especially Mikan, I don't want her to think that I will leave her" Mia pleaded, she hold the hem of Iinchou's uniform. 'I'm sorry Mikan...' Mia thought to herself.

Iinchou, with a heavy heart finally agreed. Seeing Mia who was always strong and mild, it pained his heart knowing her situation.

"I promise.."


"You said you could 'recover your Alice'... does that mean the school has some insight into the matter?" Permy asks to Iinchou and Mia.

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