15 - Heartache

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Mia's POV

"I don't need her to worry about me"

After saying those words, he left Mikan and disappear in the shadows...again.

Clenching my fist, I felt as if my heart has been stabbed on. The only question that popped up right now is, why can't I?

If I let Natsume as he is right now, then when will he ever open up to anyone? He will only end up hurting himself and those who are precious to him. I bite my lips out of frustration, I don't want him to be like me.

Alone in the darkness where I couldn't reach out to others, I don't ever want to feel that way anymore nor I will let him or anyone to feel like that.

"Mia, your heart...is aching" Watery says softly. I could sense the hint of concern in her voice. My heart is aching?

Slowly, I put my hand on my chest, feeling my heart skipping a beat to a beat yet this time, it hurts.

"I don't need her to worry about me"

The more I remember Natsume's words, the more heartache I get. Why is he giving me this kind of torture?

"Watery...what should I do now? Na-Natsume d-d-doesn't want me to w-wo-worry" I stutter badly and soon, my legs lose its energy on keeping me standing as I fell down to the floor.

"Mia, what is Natsume to you? Don't let your feelings to be mixed up anymore. Figure it out and then you'll know" Watery says calmly as her voice drifted away from my ear.

Who is Natsume to me?

"If I figure this out, then...can I finally help him?"

"Most likely"

Watery's voice is so calming, as if it's vanishing all the worries I have now. I slap my face a little bit, trying to gain my composure back. That's right, I can't be weak now!

"Yosh! Then I will make sure I got this answer right and that freaking fire dude won't dare to say a word back anymore!" I exclaim loudly, I won't be discouraged now!

"That's my girl, you've really grown up Mia" Watery says and we both burst out in laughter. "What is with that? You sound like you've known me for so long!" I exclaim as I make my way out from the classroom.

"I have known you for a very long time" Watery stated. Wait, that's weird. I just recently gained my alice, how can Watery already know me for a long time? Is she teasing me?

"Watery, what do yo-"

"Sakura-san?" OMG

I turn to the person who called me and turns out it is Luka. Did he perhaps...hear my conversation with Watery?

"What are you doing here alone?" Luka asks as he approached me with a box in his hands. "Ahh, nothing. I just left something in the classroom" I lied and we started walking together. "Btw what's the flyer in your hands?" Luka asks.

"Oh? This? It's for my performance for the festival, I will be a Water Fairy!" I exclaim excitedly as I used my alice to form a small fairy in water form. I make it so that the small fairy fly around Luka and me before vanishing into thin air, releasing sparkles before it disappear.

"Wow that's amazing! I will come watch you later!" Luka exclaims as his eyes brighten up. "Sure! And I will watch your performance too!" We stopped for awhile and make a pinky promise.

"You have to be there okay!"

"Of course! I will take a bunch of photos of you dressing as Snow White!!"

"No don't!!!!" He cries out while as his face flushed out in redness. Awwwwwwwww


Upon hearing his voice, I stopped at my track. Feeling my heart is beginning to ache again by the sound of his voice. Natsume walks over to us and I could feel his stares on me. Ugh, what a wrong timing.

"What are both of you doing?" He asks and Luka explained about what we discussed earlier on. "I-I will take my leave then!" I quickly butt in and waves goodbye to them before Natsume can ask anything about the performance.


Wait... that doesn't sound like Luka's voice. Don't tell me-

I turn back to both of them and my eyes are locked on Natsume. He just called me with my first name...right?

"I will come...

to your performance"


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