32 - Our Fight

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"It's okay to cry now"

How long has it been? She was sure she hadn't heard it in years as she was the usual one to say it rather than hearing it.

Mia takes a deep breath before releasing it slowly, feeling the warmness taking over her body. She glances at Natsume who is beside her and for some unknown reasons to her, he is still holding her hand. As if he is holding onto something that is dear to him.

"What will you do now?" She hears him asks slowly, noticing that she had calm down.

"I don't know..so many things happened in the blink of an eye and I just can't disgest everything yet" Mia replies, her head is hanging low. How should she deal with everything that is going on now?

Without Watery, how can she fight?

"Heh, that's not like you tho" Natsume says without looking at her. "The usual you always barged in without caring about the consequences and somehow you managed to go through it" He says and it shocks Mia for a bit.


Was he watching over her?

Her cheeks turn into slightly shade of red, knowing that someone was watching over her, it feels amazing. She feels special, even for a moment, it was more than enough.

Watery, if you are here right now..what will you tell her to do?

"You already know what to do"

Mia's lips break into a smile, she can hear Watery saying that to her all over again. That's right, what she should do right now it's not to mourn over Watery's loss but,

she have to fight for her loved one.

"Watery, I know what to do right now"

Mia slowly brought herself to stand up again, bringing Natsume with her. A new sensation enters her body, setting it with a new goal, she can't be afraid to face anything right now.

"Have you sorted out everything?" Natsume asks and a moment after he asks that question, his eyes slightly widen as he turns his glances at Mia, whose lips are smiling brightly, her hazel eyes shone in the darkness.

Beautiful; was what he was thinking of when he watched Mia.

"Thank you, Natsume" Mia says before taking a step forward to him.

Resting her forehead against his shoulder, she once again takes a deep breathe. Recharging done!

"I have somewhere to go now, can you please watch over Mikan for me?" Mia asks. Natsume didn't say anything, instead, he was thinking about where is she going to? Is she going to-

"I'm not doing anything stupid, idiot" Mia cuts him off, sticking out her tongue to Natsume. As if she can hear his thought based on his expression, it was enough to make Natsume saw a whole new side of Mia.

"Surely, you do"


A knock was heard on Latent Class's door and a girl slowly make her entrance into the class, shocking everyone.


Everyone went to her and some even hug her of out relief that she is okay and alive after the incident that happened to her and Sawa. Itaku comes from behind and hits Mia on her head, causing the girl to winch in pain.

"Ouch! Itaku senpai, that hurts!" Mia exclaims while her hand is placed on her head. "Serves you right, idiot! Why did you do something dangerous like that?! Don't you know how worried we are?!" Itaku lashed out, letting all his frustrations out.

"Itaku senpai.."

"Don't make us worried like that anymore, we don't know what to do if we lose you" Itaku continues before scorching down to Mia's level, engulfing her into a hug. "B-but senpai, Sawa..Sawa i-is-"

"I know, that's why we can't just let her be alone right?" Itaku says as he pulls out from the hug and pats Mia's head slowly. "This is not only your fight Mia, it's our fight"

"We will find a way to bring back Sawa" Ichigo, a first year in junior division says as she approached Mia and Itaku.

"But how.."

"There is one way"


This chapter is really short but I really wanna update no matter what😭 I miss Mia😭

I'm sorry for not updating for so long ≥﹏≤ School is keeping me busy (。•́︿•̀。)

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