41 - Moonlit Talk

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'I'm such an idiot' Mia thought to herself as she is silently regretting her words which has robbed off Ruka's smile

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'I'm such an idiot' Mia thought to herself as she is silently regretting her words which has robbed off Ruka's smile.

'He was so happy just now..' she thought again and mentally slapped herself. Glancing to Ruka, he looks like he is in a deep thought too while looking down slightly.

Mia hugged her knees, thinking of a way to recover his happiness or even changed their topic of conversation. She hates it. Ruka's facial expression right now, she hates it how she was the one behind his frown.

"You know, Ruka.."

He turn to her, meeting eyes with the hazel-eyed girl. "I..really admire how you tried your best for the girl you love. Not giving up, even though you are unsure of the future, you went straight ahead, not minding about the consequences, you soared up high to the sky" Mia utters.

Ruka's eyes widened by her words, he didn't expect those words coming from Mia. He bites the inside of his cheek, the only question that popped up in his mind right now is


"Hmm? What?"

The two of them are locking eyes but Mia felt a new sensation and determination coming from Ruka.

"Always putting others before yourself is not a bad thing to do but Mia, you can't keep your feelings aside for someone else's happiness. Your feelings towards Natsume, do you really intend to keep it to yourself and getting hurt alone?" Ruka asks.

"Ruka, I can't-"

"I..don't think Sakura will be happy, knowing that you give up on your own happiness for her. Even if it will be hard, I think she will be happier to know that you are fighting for the one you love and not giving up before trying anything" Ruka utters.

Mikan..will be happier?

Looking down to the ground, Ruka's words definitely have me thinking back about my decision but I'm scared. I'm scared.

"Let your feelings out from that decision and took off, tell Natsume about it. Whether your feelings are mutual or not, it's a different story. The important thing is that you are staying true to your feelings" I felt a sudden touch on my hair and realized he was touching my hair.

He was tying my hair. "That ribbon.." I mutter. "Yeah, the ribbons you gave to me that day. It looks kinda worn out, that's why I think it must be important to you" Ruka says. I break into a smile the moment I heard his words.

It really is.

This ribbon.

"There, you look better" Ruka says as he gently lets my hair go.

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