68 - Our Light

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Mia's POV

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Mia's POV

After dinner, me, Mikan and Ho-chan exchange a knowing look by communicating with our eyes. Shifting my gaze to the retreating figure of Chiaki from the cafeteria, it's about time we execute our plan.

I've been asking Chiaki to join our circle for dinner but she refused, stating that others might feel restless from her presence which I disagreed so much. Iinchou, Permy and our classmates already knew about what happened and how Chiaki also helped in the Hanahime-den incident but for some unknown reasons, she still couldn't let herself free from the guilt.

"It is tonight?" Sawa asks, we are currently walking to our rooms. Breaking into a grin, I nod my head enthusiastically and she taps my shoulder with an encouraging expression.

Getting my pillow, blanket and camera into my hands, I head off to Mikan's room. She has all her necessities fit in her small arms and we meet up with Ho-chan.

"Oi, three idiots over there" A familiar cold voice, yet hidden with a tiny hint of warmth stated. We halted our tracks, flinching from the sudden voice. "Your rooms aren't that way, especially Polka dots" Natsume says, his hands are shoved in his sweater's pockets while Ruka is holding You-chan.

Mikan gasps upon seeing the two and was ticked off by his words. The corridor we took will lead us to the Special Star rooms which are only occupied by two people.

Natsume and Chiaki.

I scratch my nape awkwardly while averting my eyes from his gazes. "W-We.." gosh, stuttering at such a crucial time. Seems like my own brain betrayed me in this kind of situation.

"We were going to snap exclusive photos of you, one for 50 rabbits" Hotaru stated calmly which had Mikan and I sweat dropping. "Don't tell me..that camera of yours.." Ruka's voice trails off as panic enveloped me.

Blinking in bewilderment, "It's not like that!" I exclaim, shooting Ho-chan a glare and mentally scolding her for trapping me.

"Pervert" You-chan says, pointing his small index finger to us. "What did you even teach him!?" Mikan shouts, surprised that such a word came out from You-chan. Before the two of them could ask any questions, Ho-chan grabs both Mikan and I by our arms.

Running into the opposite room of Natsume, we barge into it without knocking. That was a narrow escape!

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH-!!" A scream could be heard coming from the bathroom. This voice, Chiaki-!?

The three of us dash to the bathroom after hearing her screaming, "Chiaki, are you oka-..what the hell?" My voice trails off as the scene in front of my eyes had me face palming.

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