80 - Siblings, Secret

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Dragging herself on limply, Mia leans her exhausted body against the wall while trying her utmost best to recover from hyperventilating

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Dragging herself on limply, Mia leans her exhausted body against the wall while trying her utmost best to recover from hyperventilating. She'd just came back from a solo mission which lasted for approximately 4 hours and the dreadful operation is taking a toll on her body. The brunette isn't skilled in martial arts so she only knew some moves and tricks to protect herself or to charge the enemies.

Most of the times, Mia relied on her Water alice and the strategies she'd plan beforehand to accomplish her mission. She is nowhere near to be the greatest tactician ever to exist and acknowledged the fact that she isn't as strong as the other DA students. However, her gifted intelligence and skills in using her alice enabled the older twin to participate in such deadly missions.

Mia grits her teeth and suppresses a groan from leaving her lips as she doesn't want to alarm anyone of her presence in the hospital, especially when it'd pass by midnight. The appearance of a brown-haired lad that she puts on succeeded in fooling her acquaintances, all thanks to the the raccoon mask that Narumi provided for her.

Wounds and cuts can be seen staining her fair exposed skin but Mia couldn't care less about her own condition. She rushes back for one particular reason; to check on Mikan. The younger twin's ability in controlling her Stealing alice was probably still in its unstable phase because it hadn't been long since this alice was first awakened and acknowledged by Mikan. These factors are also applied to Mia herself as she hasn't figure out the truest ability of Stealing alice.

Nevertheless, she dismisses such thoughts and quickens her steps towards the place she has in mind. However, Mia halted her track upon passing by a mirror hanged on the wall. She studies the messed-up condition of Tanuki and has to admit that she indeed looks terrible. Raising her hands to remove the raccoon mask which is covering her real expression, a certain thought crosses Mia's mind and it resulted the brunette retreating her arms away from the facade she puts on.

'If the exterior is already this horrible, then how soulless and terrifying is the person beneath this mask..?' Mia thought in her mind, her lips curving downwards as she squeezes her eyes shut while placing her right hand onto the raccoon mask. Turning the mask into water, the liquid bursts into a form of bubbles as the older twin's real facial features come into light.

The young lady has always thought of her looks as ordinary, she doesn't even dare to be compared to beauties such as Hotaru and Chiaki. However, there is a warmth that Mia's brown hair brings to her features, a simple frame for her radiant smile and eyes that held more love than she would ever admit to. In fact, the older twin loves how she doesn't stand out too much in terms of looks since simplicity has always been her motto in life. Mia has faith that behind every plain and dull book cover, there are unattainable knowledge that one can't simply gain by searching it up on their electronic gadgets.

 Mia has faith that behind every plain and dull book cover, there are unattainable knowledge that one can't simply gain by searching it up on their electronic gadgets

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