35 - Gulliver's Candy

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🌸: Mia's eye colour are hazel NOT blue. Izumi's real eye colour were hazel and Mia inherited it from him. Her eyes are hazel while Mikan's are brown.

"Ah..this is Hotaru's shoulder bag"

Mia heard Mikan says as she switches her glance at the younger twin. Hotaru's electronic penguin handed her shoulder bag to Mikan. "Eh? For me?" Mikan asks curiously.

Mikan rummages through the bag and found some candies in it which had Tono's eyes to widen. "This isn't..time traveling-candy?" he says.

At this moment, while looking at those candies, Mia remembered how Hotaru once bought it while they were shopping together in the Central Town.

When eaten, your body will progress back or forward the number of years on the wrapper, but after the candy us finished,  the side effect will disappear. Side effects have also been ascertained so distribution was restricted.

Wait a minute..

"If we used that candy..and turn into high-schoolers, we can infiltrate the high school section" Mia mutters slowly. That's right, it could work if they tried.

"The quicker we act, the better!"

"But how..?"

Mia glances at Mikan, knowing the academy, the restraining orders on her will begin soon..so security within campus will get stricter from now on and it will be harder to act.

"Senpai, let's do it now. We can't waste our time anymore, Ho-chan's injuries..if we can't get a hold of the antidote, who knows if her condition will get worse?" Mia says. She straighten up herself before thanking the candy in Tono's hand.

Looking at Mikan, she asks, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah!" Mikan exclaims.


Mia's POV

I look at my own reflection in the mirror, obviously, I have become older by 5 years. The high school uniform provided for me was comfortable and it fits just right on my body. "My hair.." I mumble slowly as I takes out a hair tie and tied up my hair into a low ponytail which later I let it flows down on my right shoulder.

A sudden, ridiculous thought suddenly went through my mind as I crack into a chuckle.

"Okaa-san..must looked like this too when she was in high school" I say, imagining how it would be if the image I am looking right now is also the same one as my dead mother.

"Onee-chan! Are you finish?" Mikan asks from the outside. Throwing off the earlier thought, I replied with a clear voice, "Yeah! I'm ready!"

The moment I opened the door to my fitting room, my eyes widen as I watch Mikan, who is also in her high school uniform. I chuckle, she still has the same hairstyle. "Wow..Onee-chan..you look like an adult" Mikan says amusingly. Pfft, isn't she the same?

Flicking her forehead, I say, "Aren't you an adult too right now?"

"Hehe" Mikan giggles before linking her arms with me. "I can't wait until both of us are really adults" She says which had me surprised for a moment.

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