16 - Mikan

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Mia's POV

"I will come...to your performance"

Ugh, this is seriously troubling me. Natsume's words has been sticking in my mind and I couldn't even memorize my lines properly.

He won't come for real right?

"Onee-chan?" I heard Mikan's voice from outside my room and quickly stands up to open the door for her. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask, as soon as I opened the door and Mikan engulfed me in a tight hug, burying her face into my chest.

I chuckled before holding her hand as we snuggled in the blanket together. "Natsume bullied me today!" She suddenly exclaims which took me by surprise. "Pfft I thought you wet your bed again" I retort and she pouts at me.

Mikan told me how she asked for Natsume's help to improve her Alice while her homeroom teacher is away. By the mention of his name, my face turn beet red and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

'Ugh, stupid cheeks' I thought and throws that thought away. "So? Have you become better? You should've just ask for my help!" I stated.

My chest stuck out while as Watery snickered at me. Damn, my alice is a savage( ̄へ ̄)

"Natsume is my partner after all! And Onee-chan is already so busy!" She retorts and I agreed with that.


I look at my younger sister but it always seem like I'm looking at a mirror. While I am always mild and composed, Mikan is always in high spirits and her bright eyes, shimmered with delight are something that I am envy of.

"Are you happy to be here? At Alice Academy?" I ask a question which had always been in my mind.

Mikan never showed a sense of being gloomy or depressed while she is in Alice Academy.

Upon hearing my question, her lips formed a big smile and I was so astonished by it. "I am so happy to be here! Hotaru, Iinchou, Ruka, Narumi sensei, everyone from our class and even Natsume! Because everyone is here, that's why I'm so happy!" Mikan exclaims, delighted.

Before she continued her words, she pulled me closer and mutters, "But the best thing is that you are here with me Onee-chan"

Mikan's words seem to sink in my glassy eyes, causing my tears to brim past my cheeks.

"That's right, you being here is the best thing ever!" I exclaim, elated that Mikan is here with me right now. I'm grateful for our parents because they left me with Mikan. My happy virus.

As we both were worn out with fatigue, our eyelids feel heavy and soon dived into a deep slumber.


Since Senzai-kei's performance which is ours will start after Ruka's show, I decided to roam around the festival. Actually, we still have hours from that.

"Mia, where do you wanna go first?" Itaku senpai asks as he is holding a map for this festival. I can see how he was ecstatic over this festival by his sparkling eyes.

"Let's go eat first! I'm starving!" I exclaim quite loudly and Sawa who is standing beside me facepalmed.

"That's so like you Mia" Sawa utters before laughing. "I can already hear her stomach is growling" Itaku senpai joins in and both of them laugh. My face turned beet red, damn these two is really ughh

After eating, playing some games and all we passed by the Special's. "Look Mia! It's Mikan's class!" upon the mention of Mikan's class, my eyes brightened up as I scanned the Special's.

"Looks like their game is quite a big hit too. A friend of mine asks me to come over to help him this game" Itaku senpai says. Good for you, Mikan.

"Let's check them out"

"Let's go!!" Both me and Sawa exclaims in delight at the same time.


The line was so long but we manage to arrive at the entrance. "Mikan!" I shout out loud when I saw a glimpse of her in the building for the game. "Onee-chan?! You came!" She says enthusiasticly.

She hugs me and and we were about to start the game when oit of sudden, the atmosphere becomes tense up. "Mia... Natsume is here"

I turned my back slightly, and Sawa is right. He's really here. "Na-" Before I could even utter a word, Mikan beats me to it. "Really?! Natsume comes?!"

I watch as Mikan went up to Natsume, seeing her contented expression, I decided not to interfere. "Flat"

At this one word, I quickly turn around again and... THAT FCKING NATSUME PULLED HER TOP WTF YOU LIL BITCH

"HOW DARE YOU!!!!" I scream out loud, my mind was engulfed with rage. I use my Alice and make a giant hand before taking Mikan to my side again. "Onee-chan!!!!!!!!! Now I can't get married!!!" Mikan cries out as she hugs me, her tears won't stop in any moment.

"Damn you, how dare you do that to Mikan!" I lashed out to Natsume while comforting Mikan. Ughh what kind of a boy did that to a girl?!


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