2 - Sakura Mia

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Mia's POV


I shout out loud and run to Mikan before tightly hugging her body. Our heights are about the same while I am slightly taller than Mikan.

"Nee-chan?" Mikan says slowly, it sounds like a question. I could hear the gasps from the other students and how they reacted strongly to my appearance here.

"NEE-CHAN?!!??!!?!?" The whole class exclaim in sync.

I pull back from Mikan and hold her hands tightly. "Are you hurt? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" I ask continuously. "W-wait...nee-chan, why are YOU here?!" Mikan asks, her eyes widened at the sight of me in front of her.

"You...who are you?" I heard the 'sensei' asks and I look back to him and to the other students. Glaring at them, I don't even have the slightest thought of smiling.

"Sakura Mia, and I'm here to take Sakura Mikan out from this academy!!!" I stated.


"Wait! Nee-chan! What are you talking about?!" Mikan asks me, bewildered of my words.

"You heard me, Mikan. I'm not letting you to attend this school! I won't let you!" I say and hold onto her hands tighter.

"I'm sorry but, I don't think you can do that little girl" the sensei say while smiling creepily to me. I tched, and glared back to him. "Shut up, gay" I say coldly and he was taken aback by my words. Supposedly he is used to the cheerful and bright Mikan but it's not the same with me.

If it involved my sister, that person will die in my hands.

"Mia, calm down first" Ho-chan says and tries to touch me but I am faster to avoid it. I know I'm being rude to Ho-chan. But Mikan is my top priority now. I can't let other people used her for granted!


"Don't worry Mikan, I will lead us out from this hell after this" I say and smile a bit to her. "There's no use to that though" someone says and I look at the owner of the voice. It's a raven-haired boy with scarlet eyes. His eyes seems hot but cold at the same time.

"That's right Nee-chan, it's no use of escaping!! There's no way out from here!" Mikan says, my eyes widen. What..?

After a 10-minutes worth of listening to what kind of academy is Alice Academy....

"You actually come here without knowing that?! You big BA-----KA!!!!" Mikan say while laughing out lout to me. Tch, now I'm getting pissed off. I quickly pinches her cheeks, irritated by the fact she make fun of me. "AND WHO THE HELL CAME HERE TO FOLLOW HO-CHAN WITHOUT KNOWING A SINGLE THING?!" I say scarily.

"Can't you two please stop?" Ho-chan say calmly and punch both us using a gun. I managed to avoid it but it got Mikan on her forehead, causing her to fall down. I look at Ho-chan with a smirk and gives a thumb up to her.

"And why are you so persistent in taking Mikan-chan from this academy?" A girl with perm hair asks, ugh..I have a feeling that I hate this girl with just a glance.

"This academy...gives me a bad vibe. It feels like something bad might happen to Mikan at this academy, that's why I want to take her away!" I exclaim.

"A bad vibe? How do you know?"

"I don't even know it myself.." I say, my voice is trailing slowly.

The sensei walks towards me before patting my head softly. "Are you an Alice too?" He asks me. Alice?

Is that what you call a person with some powers in them?

"No, I'm not and get that dirty hands of yours off my head now" I say coldly while glaring to him. He steps back and hides behind Mikan. "Anyway, my top priority is you Mikan. I don't care about what this 'alice' is or what, let's tell the principal that you want to drop out from this school" I stated and tries to hold her hand when Mikan refuses my hand.

Huh? Wait...did she..just refused to take my hand?!?!?!?!?!

"I'm not going anywhere Nee-chan!" Mikan exclaims.

WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!?!?

"What are you talking about Mikan?! Then, do you want to stay here, where it is dangerous?!!" I asks loudly.

"Can't you two idiots just shut the hell up already" the boy from before said coldly while glaring to me and Mikan. He gets up from his seat and suddenly, on the palm of his hand,

"Fire.." I mutter slowly.

He tries to attack me with the fire but Mikan shields for me. "Mikan!!!" I shout and quickly examined her back. Eh? I'm sure the fire hit her back just now...how can?

"It's Mikan's Alice, Nullification Alice" the sensei stated. Nullification? Does that means she can protects herself from other Alices? Yeah, maybe that is the case. Sensei then pointed to the boy who used fire before, "That boy is Hyuuga Natsume, his Alice is a fire-type"

"Damn it Natsume!! How dare you did that to my nee-chan!!" Mikan says angrily to Hyuuga Natsume and he scoffed at her. "Shut up or I'll burn you, polka dot" he says and gets out from the class.

Polka dot?

"Nee-chan, are you hurt?" Mikan asks me, her face showed that she is worried. To be honest, I was surprised by her action. I was always the one who protected her, but now it's the other way around.

I nod. If I can't take Mikan out from here, then I will stay here with her! I'm sorry Grandpa! I need to protect Mikan at all cost. I don't care if I don't have an Alice or what. I just want to protect her. As she is my only treasure in the whole world.


I wonder if this story is going well or not actually😂 but I'm doing my best! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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