6 - "I'm here for you"

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Mia's POV

I come back to class with Agata-san. I think we've make a big progress in our friendship. Agata-san may doesn't look like it but she is a talkative person. Not as much as Mikan but she is very friendly and kind. I wonder why the other classmates don't want to become friends with her?

"And after that we-" I was cut off when Sumire suddenly butts in.

"What are you doing with that trash?" She says coldly. Her eyes are glaring to Agata-san. What the heck is this girl's problem? Haven't she had her lesson before?

"Trash? Who are you calling a trash huh you permy" I say while gritting my teeth. No...I shouldn't get too mad or Watery might get out of control. "That thing behind you...is a trash" Sumire says while pointing to something behind me.

It's Agata-san.

"She has a name and it is Sawako Agata. Why the hell are you calling Agata-san like that huh?!" I ask angrily, totally losing my cool, yet again. Sumire smirks before she went to Agata-san and push her until she falls down.

"Hey!! What the heck?! Stop it!!" I say and quickly help her to stand up again.

To my surprise, Agata-san push my hand away, preventing me from helping her. Before I could say a word, she has run off. "Agata-san!!!" I shout her name but she never stop neither looks back to me. Damn it.

"What is your problem huh?! Stop treating Agata-san like a trash! Isn't she your friend?" I say and instantly, the class burst out in laughter. Wha..

"Friend, my ass"

"That trash as a friend? Hell no"

"It must be because you're a transfer student you didn't know right?" A boy says, standing beside Sumire while smirking. Tch, that irritates me so much.

"That trash you called a friend is a No-Star"


"In Alice Academy, there is this thing called Star Ranking and students are categorized with their ranking. No-Star in the lowest out of all and is considered useless" Sumire explains.

So, is that why she was eating rice and veggies just now? I thought she is dieting, that's why I didn't questioned her about her lunch. No way...Agata-san..

"So what? Just because she is a No-Star, you guys treat her like she is a trash?" I ask, gritting my teeth. I can't believe it. How could they left her out just like that? She may be a No-Star but she is still a classmate and a friend.

"That thing doesn't even know how to control her own Alice, not like she ever showed it to others. She also had hurted a sensei because of her useless Alice!!"



"Huh? Talk properly! I can't hear you!" Sumire says and move closer to me.

I quickly hold onto her shoulders and shouts into her ear,


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