34 - A Possibility

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Mia's POV

I hold onto my necklace which have Ichigo senpai and Itaku senpai's Alice stones attached to it

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I hold onto my necklace which have Ichigo senpai and Itaku senpai's Alice stones attached to it. Just like stars, their stones shine brightly, bringing up my mood with them. Thank you, both of you.

Watery, I will do my best. I will save you and Iinchou's Alice, find Ho-chan's antidote and save Sawa. I know, I am unable to do this alone but with everyone.. I'm sure we can work on it!

"It would be better not to let Imai meet her parents in this state.."


That voice..Jinno sensei?

I glance at the closest room with a door, slightly open. Wait..what did he meant? The Academy wouldn't let Ho-chan see her parents? Even in that state?!


Biting my lips, my curiosity has filled up my body and it soon moves on its own to the room as I tried my best not to let my presence being know to the teachers.

"Imai's condition..no one can guarantee it won't worsen"

"In the past, Imai Hotaru's parents in an effort not to hand her over to the academy, spent a long time evading us..Just for that, I think the principal will never let them meet"

You said what?!?!?!?!

That is just ridiculous! How could they?! Ho-chan is doing her best to stay alive yet they are doing this kind of dirty works?!

I clench my fist, the Academy really have something on its back. Something that students like us weren't introduce to.


Wth, they are even mentioning Mikan's name.

"..who was with Imai in this escape, on the other hand..that this kind of mishap happen to an outstanding student like Imai, who is taken notice by even the principal...

She should realise that the principal  will not let her off so easily"

Jinno sensei's last words had my heart skipped a beat, I could feel myself getting colder from the chills. Mikan.. no, why is it always Mikan? Why is she always being the one treated poorly?

Damn it.

What about me? I was also the reason why everything happened. Had I told them about the intruders earlier, these things wouldn't happen. Why..Why is it always Mikan?

"..Meanwhile, Mia who was also in the scene was excluded from getting punished. She is a born-genius, a powerful Alice user, compared to Mia.."

Stop it.

"Mikan is nothing"

Stop hurting Mikan.


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