49.3 - Sakura Twins Past II

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Mikan and Hotaru went home without Mia

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Mikan and Hotaru went home without Mia. They were silent throughout the journey as Mikan was looking down to her feet, she needed to apologize. She had not yet to tell Mia that she was controlled by her own selfish feelings, those words she uttered last night..she wanted to apologize.

"Then..see you tomorrow, Hotaru" Mikan uttered slowly. Hotaru glanced at her before saying, "Make sure to stop this stupid fight by today" Mikan nodded her head, she would definitely ended it. Hotaru was about to go home to her house when their grandpa suddenly dashed out from the house. "Grandpa, what's wrong?" Mikan asked, tilting her head to the side.


Mikan and Hotaru's eyes popped open as they were paralyzed with fear, a haze of terror surrounding them after hearing grandpa's words. They quickly dashed into the house, running towards the room where the twins shared but it was locked.

"Mia! You're in there, right?! Open this door!" Mikan shouted, banging on the door.

"Leave me alone!!!" Mia cried out from the inside of the room. She..was crying? Mikan felt the need to force open the door as she kept banging on it, pleading Mia to let them in. No way..what had Chiaki done to her?!

"You said we're not even siblings, right? Then leave me alone!!" Mia shouted back, sobs could be heard following after her voice. "Mikan" Hotaru called out and gestured Mikan to move aside as she took out her invention. "Eh? Hotaru, what is th--" Mikan's words were cut off when Hotaru used her invention to break the door apart, shocking their grandpa as he felt his soul flied out from his body.

In the corner of the room, Mia was covering her whole body with a blanket, making them unable to observe her condition. "Mia..did something happened?" Mikan asked as she approached her. "Don't come any closer" Mia stated, her whole body was shaking out of fear from the earlier incident. She didn't want anyone to see her in this condition. Not like this.

"Mia.." Mikan uttered slowly, crouching down in front of her fully covered twin. She held out her hand to reach Mia and she could see how she was shaking badly, as if something terrible had just happened to her. Hotaru couldn't bare to wait anymore as she gripped the blanket and pulled it away from Mia.

Their eyes widened. Wait..what on earth---

Her hair which used to be long and combed nicely had disappear. She was now left with a the end of her hair being badly burnt out, cutting it until she had a short hair. The traces from earlier incident could be seeing clearly on her hair, it was burnt. Her hair was burnt. To the point that she didn't want to face anyone, to the point that she wanted to smash her head into the mirror.

To the point it was the beginning of her new self.

"Mia..your hair! What happened?!" Mikan asked as she puts her hands onto Mia's shoulders, she was beyond shock. To her surprise, Mia pushed her hands away. "Leave me alone..don't look at me.." Mia muttered while crying her tears out. She couldn't bring herself to meet eyes with them right now.

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