76 - Kibasen

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(A/N: There's something really important in the end of this chapter so I hope you guys will read it!♡ Don't worry, I won't be going on hiatus or anything like that ^

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(A/N: There's something really important in the end of this chapter so I hope you guys will read it!♡ Don't worry, I won't be going on hiatus or anything like that ^.^)

Composing herself, Mia stares at the empty pathway before her eyes. 'Wearing a mask during the Borrowing race and earlier cold eyes..just like us, what's happened to you, Natsume?' She thought in her mind while walking slowly, each step she takes has her mind jerking back to how the masked Natsume wrapped his arms around her.

The real Natsume, hiding his true self beneath a mask and acting coldly in front of her, "Could the reason that obliges you to act like this is the same as mine?" Mia mutters quietly before shifting her gaze to her teammates in Red team. A smile crept up to her lips upon seeing Mikan and Hotaru, her eyes lit up as she makes her way to them.

"Mia-nee!" Mikan beams happily at the sight of Mia and is relieved to find out she's doing fine despite her outrage earlier. "Sorry for being late" Mia utters, stroking the younger twin's head lovingly while looking at Tsubasa and the others. Sawa and Chiaki approach the older twin after finding out she has returns.

Both of them sealed their lips over what they've witnessed happened between Luna and Mia and decided to help the brunette in the shadows. Meanwhile in White team, Nonoko informs Ruka of Mia's return to her team. "She looks better than we expected" Anna comments, seeing the older twin smiling widely while being surrounded by her beloved friends.

"What's with her? Acting like nothing happened, wasting my time of worrying over her" Sumire groans but deep inside, she is glad that Mia is fine. Ruka's eyes widen, he doesn't expect her to be smiling despite what had occurr earlier.

"Mia-chan, is it true that Natsume alongside our classmates decided to cast you two out?" Iinchou asks in concern. Upon hearing his question, Mia's gaze soften for a moment. "Yeah, I'm not sure how things ended up this way but since it happened already, there's nothing that can be done" She responds, surprising Iinchou and her friends.

Mikan pops out beside her twin, obviously displeased of what those people have done. "Natsume, why would he--" she was cut off when Mia butts into her words. "It's alright about Natsume" Mia utters truthfully, her mind seems to be filled with the thoughts of him.

Earlier, Natsume's hands when he hugged Mia..felt hot, filled with regrets while shaking a little. "Mia-nee.." Mikan mutters quietly as the newborn determination plasters on her sister's face has herself wanting to trust Mia's decision.

"We've went through so many moments together, knowing Natsume, he must has a reason why he needs to act like that" Mia utters truthfully, she's no longer confused. A sincere smile finally blooms on her lips, having her resolution of the current situation.

Rather than focusing on a puny black mark on a sheet of white paper, Mia decided to shift her gaze away from her little worries and faces her current moments bravely and optimistically. Lifting her chin up, she realizes that no matter how bad a situation leads to, her friends stay the same so she, herself will also smile for their sake and for her own happiness too.

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