52 - Masquerade Mishap

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The Sakura twins approached their circle of friends and Mia has to hold her hand to make sure she doesn't bump onto anything. 'She's still dazed over the kiss' Mia thought to herself as she chuckle internally.

"Mikan! Mia! They're already giving out the Christmas cake!" Iinchou exclaims as he saw the twins coming towards their direction.

Mia waves her hand to them while holding the dazed Mikan with her. "Mia, what's wrong with Mikan?" Nonoko asks while holding a plate of cake. Seems like all of them have get it too.

"Dunno, I'm going to take the cake. Watch over her for me" Mia says and run off for the cake.

'Just now..my left cheek was kissed by Youichi' Mikan cupped her redden face, reminiscing further.

'..on my right cheek was Ruka-pyon' and to that thought, her face blushed even more as she could her heart is racing faster than ever. She felt as if
her heart is about to jump up!

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ball, Ruka is walking aimlessly. His face is beet red, he couldn't command himself to be calm and reserved after what he had done earlier. Even though he just followed his feelings, he still couldn't believe his own action.

"Ahh-- Ruka, found you!" Mochiage exclaims and lead Ruka to Natsume who is eating cake. "Natsume.." Ruka mutters slowly as he meets up with the gang.

"Where did you go? The delicious pieces of cake are almost gone" Mochiage stated.

"The important thing is that you are staying true to your feelings"

"Ruka? Your face is very red" Mochiage asks again but Ruka keeps his silent, his face getting even redder after the scene from earlier are still playing in his mind.

"Ah..I--" He mutters quietly and Natsume pinched his nose.

Out of sudden, the guy who brought a cake back to Ruka comes. "Ruka, I brought a piece that looks delicious over--" his words are cut off when Hotaru swiftly exchanged the delicious cake into a disgusting kne that she brought over while riding on a floating goose.

"This is the piece of cake which I picked for Ruka, you must eat it" Hotaru stated while using her sweet smile, one that she doesn't use often unless for business.

Ruka was dumbfounded as he stayed rooted on his spot. "I'm off, do eat it" She says once againg and floats off, leaving the shocked guy.

"What did you do to Imai? Ruka.." Mochiage asks as he and Natsume stared at the cake he is holding and for sure, he will have a bad luck next year if he eats it.

"You can take mine" Someone suddenly says, surprising the three guys. "Mia-san!" Mochiage exclaims, this guy here have a little crush on her and he isn't afraid of showing it off.

"Mia.." Ruka looks at the two plates she is holding, both of it looks good and delicious. "Here, you can take this one" Mia says and exchanged their cakes. "Eh-- No, no! It's fine!" Ruka exclaims, he couldn't possibly let Mia eats that one.

She puffed her cheeks before placing down the plates and taking a spoonful of the delicious cake, "At least have a bite" she urges and Mochiage internally screams in his mind, wanting to be in Ruka's place.

Ruka was hesitating and the corner of his eyes landed on Natsume. He is watching them carefully and Ruka knows too well the reason behind his stare but decided to take on Mia's offer and lets her to feed him the delicious cake.

The creamy, sweet taste engulfs his mouth as he savors it gratefully.

"Delicious, right?" Mia grins widely and shifted her gaze to Natsume. Should she?

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