73 - Practice

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A/N: This chapter will contain some of my edits! None are mine, all of it are Higuchi Tachibana's art!

Practice for Sports Day has officially begun, Red and White team formed their lines properly as being instructed by the teachers.

Practice for Sports Day has officially begun, Red and White team formed their lines properly as being instructed by the teachers

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Putting her cap on, Mia scans around her surroundings. Everyone is in high spirits for the actual events that are coming soon. "Mia-nee, hurry up!" Mikan beams happily, she links her arm with the older twin's as the two skipped to the Red team's line.

Mia sits down between Mikan and Iinchou, her eyes are trying to spot the raven-haired guy in White team and saw him sitting with Luna. Dismissing the weird feelings in her chest, she focused her attention back on Sakurano who's stating the rules.

"For Sports Day, in competitive rounds, each person is allowed to use alice 3 times. Of course, the alice has to be used under the safety rules. If the rules are broken, not only that the team will get the points taken away, but also receive the right punishment. Please be careful" Sakurano explains, standing on the stage solidly while Subaru and Shizune are beside him.

Subaru steps forward and begins explaining the first rule, "You can't use alice that could harm someone. Even if someone is hurt and it's not because of alice, you and your team will still get punished"

Next is Shizune's turn, "Rule 2: if you use your alice more than 3 times, you will be disqualified immediately. All students participating in Sports Day will have to put on a three-counter alice sticker" she interprets while holding out a star shaped sticker and showing it to the students.

"This is a special sticker that cannot be removed until the events are over. Everytime you used your alice, it would shine. After the three-counter alice sticker lights up for the third time, the sticker would automatically becomes an alice controller" Shizune added.

'Looks like we can't talk too much during Sports Day then' Watery says through Mia's mind as her smile dropped.

It was later stated that if anyone loses their sticker, the person and their team will be asked to leave immediately and punishments will be given out. Tearing off someone else's sticker on purpose will also be punished.

Mikan's mouth was opened ajar, her eyes glittered up with excitement. Seeing the younger twin's smile has soothed the storm in Mia's heart, it was as if all her troubles had fly away in an instant.

"I thought that Sports Day was actually about our physical strengths, but now I think it would actually be fun!" Mikan beams joyfully. Iinchou, Chiaki, Koko and Kitsuneme join the twins' circle.

Jogging her way to the hazel-eyed girl, Chiaki notices how her facial expression is kinda gloomy and dispirited. She raises her eyebrow to the girl before asking, "Are you okay? You don't look too good". Mia lets out a gasp after Chiaki leans her face closer to hers to have a better look.

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