17 - Should I stop?

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"Mia calm down!" Sawa exclaims before holding my hand tightly, avoiding me from using my Alice to Natsume. "But! He. freaking. pulled. her. top" I say, emphasizing each word while gritting my teeth.

"Natsume is always like that, don't get mad over this" Sawa says and Mia finally calms down. She gives Sawa a reassuring smile before hugging Mikan in her arms. "O-onee-chan! Now I can't get married!" Mikan says, with tears in her eyes

"Who cares about marriage? You have me" I utter before poking her forehead. "Cheer up, Mikan. Onee-chan will not get married too if you aren't" I stated and her face brightens up.

"Mia, it's time. We need to go" Sawa suddenly says as she signals me for the rehearsal. "Oh that's right"

I turned to Tsubasa senpai while holding Mikan's hand in mine. "Then, please take care of Mikan, senpai" I say while smiling and he gives me a nod. Mikan went up to him as Tsubasa senpai carries her.

Thank goodness, Mikan is smiling.

(This is Mikan's mother, Azumi Yuka when she was in elementary school and Mia's face will be portrayed by Yuka's child ver)

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(This is Mikan's mother, Azumi Yuka when she was in elementary school and Mia's face will be portrayed by Yuka's child ver)

"You're smiling again" I say as I pinch her cheek. She chuckles before saying, "Well, it's because of you, onee-chan!"

"That's right Mikan, it's no big deal. If you don't have anyone to marry, I'm always here!" Tsubasa senpai says which make me laughed. Mikan's eyes brightened up and she hugs Tsubasa senpai.

"Let's meet up this afternoon Mikan, we'll have bunch of fun together!" I exclaim to her as we did a pinky promise.

"Ehh? Nee-chan, you have to try our RPG first!" Mikan rants as she links our arms together. I chuckle before saying, "Sorry Mikan, I still have a rehearsal for Senzai-kei performance. I will come later kay?"

Mikan pouts her lips as I pat her in the head. "Have fun Mikan"

Mikan waves to me as I was gonna go for my rehearsal. As I passed by Natsume, "Touch my sister again and you're dead" it was slow yet I was giving him my best glare.

Natsume just scoffed at me before turning his gazes to somewhere else.

Somehow, there's a thick wall against both of us. Again.


"Okay, let's wrap it up!" Our Senzai-kei's teacher says and we did the ending flawlessly, not even a mistake was done. At this rate, our performance will be a blast!

"You were amazing, Mia" Sawa says as she approaches me. "Hehe you too, Sawa" I mutter before both of us went to change our clothes.

While we were changing, a senpai from Senzai-kei comes into the changing room and told us to wear our stage outfits if we are going to the festival. "What?! Why?!" I ask, not believing my ears.

How can I go out with this clothes?

"Ughh, I seriously don't like wearing this kind of dress" I complain silently but Sawa grasp some of my words. "Why? You look good in it" She says before smirking.

"And what's with that smirk of yours huh?" I ask while closing the door for my locker. "What if we bump onto Natsume?" Sawa says with a smirk.


"You're right! What if he uses this chance and lift up my skirt?!" I exclaim panicky. I saw how Sawa facepalmed herself. "Nevermind about that, let's go!" Sawa says as she drags me out from the changing room.


We went to the Special's RPG and I tried to find Mikan but she's out of sight.

"Mikan becomes Natsume's slave after he won this RPG" Tsubasa senpai explains and it really takes me by surprise. So, Mikan is with Natsume right now?

"Ugh, that guy..I swear if he lays a hand on Mikan, I'm gonna drown him" I say, gritting my teeth as I remembered how he pulled Mikan's top a few hours ago.

"Mia, you really have to calm down. Mikan will be fine. Luka is probably with them too" Sawa says before she holds me hand and squeezing it a bit, making me more relaxed.

I noticed how she's looking at me with a determined look, telling me not to worry. Ugh, did I really exaggerate that much?

"I'm sorry Sawa, I'm over thinking it again" I mutter and she smiles softly to me. "Mikan has a Nullification Alice, Natsume won't be able to hurt her" Sawa stated and it really makes me feel like an idiot for not thinking about that.

"Ah that's right! How can I forget?!"

"That's so like you Mia hahahaha" Sawa laughs and soon both of us were laughing together.


I used my Soul Speaking Alice to detect Mikan's Nullification Alice.

"Iinchou's haunted mansion"

"Hmm? Mia? How was it? Did you get their location?" Sawa asks me but then I heard a gasp leaving her mouth. "Hey why are you so pale?!"

"T-th-they a-are at th-t-the h-haunted m-man-mansion" I stutter badly while Sawa look at me with confusion. "Wait..don't tell me that you..."


"Mikan!" I shout out loud, finally earning her attention as she turns her head back to look at me. "Onee-chan!!!" Mikan cries out and was about to run to me but the rope(?) that Natsume put on her is preventing her from doing so.

Wtf he's treaating her like a dog.

"Mia, did you come to visit Tobita's haunted mansion too?" Luka asks me as he is holding a cute bunny in his arms. "Yeah, I promised Mikan to come together" I say and use my Alice and form a sharp water before cutting off the rope on Mikan.

"ONEE-CHAN THANK YOU ILYSM" Mikan exclaims excitedly.

"Tsk" Natsume clicked on his tongue before turning away his face from me.

"I don't need her to worry over me anymore"

Natsume's words keep coming into my mind ever since the day I heard he said that.

Should I stop?


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