45 - Courage

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"Tsubasa senpai!" Mikan shouts out loud upon seeing his legs being stoned

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"Tsubasa senpai!" Mikan shouts out loud upon seeing his legs being stoned.

Tsubasa groans in pain as he can't feel his legs anymore. "Azumi-kun, it's rare that you are here. Originally the plan was to get rid of these nuisances and make it looks like this incident never happened, which can be done by removing their alices" Mihara says.

"To the black cat, this is a relief, isn't it?" Mihara asks sneakily, resulting Natsume's eyes to widen. Relief?

"Sorry, my ability is not strong enough to take on all four alices at once" Z stated monotonously. Mihara shot her a glare, looking totally pissed. "You are obviously a parasite here, but you're useless in an emergency. Continuing like this under this leadership will just result in chaos" he stated lowly.

Natsume created a wall of fire around them, trying to escape Mihara's alice. "No need to be shy. It will only be a while before you become a rock" he chuckled darkly.

He pulls one of Mikan's pigtails before forcefully pulling her onto his lap, "Moreover, you cannot abandon your companions and escape"

"Foolish people like you who torture themselves, I like them the best" Mihara stated, smirking at the thought of it.

He focus on one of them and uses his alice to turns Tsubasa into stone since he couldn't move an inch but it hits Ruka as he tried to shield Tsubasa.

Ruka's shoulder has been stoned and if it spreads, it will block the flow of blood to the heart.

"Bastard!" Natsume shouts angrily, he was ready to attack him but a familiar pain make its way up to his body, going out with the form of coughing.

"Natsume! Escape!" Mikan screams loudly to alert him but before he could move to avoid the attack, his hand which he is used to his alice has been stoned.


"Look, the fire will be extinguished soon" he says, feeling satisfied over his work.

Mikan couldn't bare to watch her friends getting hurt one after another without doing anything to protect them. She curled her hand into a fist before grabbing Mihara's collar forcefully, "Stop it, idiot!" Mikan screams in his face and activated her nullification alice on him.

"Azumi, take away black cat's alice. He's just a weak little child, no matter how useless you are, surely you can do this" Mihara stated, ordering Z to steal away Natsume's Fire alice.

"Natsume! Quick, run!" Mikan shouts to him but Natsume didn't move away from where he is standing. Z steps forward to him, getting closer in each moment. Has he always been waiting for such a moment to come?

By this woman's touch, giving up everything. Does he dare to hope that things will become easier?

"Even if you have given
up on yourself.."

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