10 - This Time, Without Fail

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I finished the juice two hours before class is supposed to start. Ugh..making juice is more difficult than studying. I poured the nicely fresh juice into a bottle before I clean up the kitchen.

"What's up with the smiley face huh?" Watery asks, probably trying to tease me again.

"Nothing~ Just excited that I can at least help Natsume even a little" I blurt out. OMG, I sweat drop as I can feel that Watery is smirking to me. Gosh, she and her teasing never dies. But that's what I love about Watery. She's always by my side.

"You should hurry before anyone sees you. Don't want that prince of yours to keep waiting~" Watery says.

Prince, my ass.

Natsume is so different from the actual prince will be -,-

"Ugh, I don't even want to imagine it" I say before I open the door to the class and went straight to Natsume's seat. I placed the bottle on his table nicely. Now, time to fresh up and eat my breakfast!!!!!!!!!

Gosh, I can eat a horse at this rate. Screw the idea to sleep, I need food now.


When I arrived at the classroom later, everyone is talking about this 'Reo' guy. Yeah, I know him. He's a singer, nothing special though. Gazing to left, I notice that the bottle I placed on Natsume's table is still there. What the..class is starting soon, where the hell is that guy?

I went to Ruka and asks him about it..

"Natsume...is hospitalized" Luka says slowly. The class is dead quiet for a second. Natsume? But why...

"The doctor said he's overworked. Recently, Natsume couldn't sleep and have been stressed" Sumire added. Overworked...

The image of Natsume was all beat up and panting cross my mind again. My chest tightens up and I can feel myself falling. Just when I'm gonna lose my stability, Sawa-chan caught me on time.


"Here, take this" Sawa-chan says and put something on my hand. A card? "What is this card?" I ask her. She smiled and told me it's a card for the representatives of the class to visit Natsume in the hospital.


How did Sawa-chan...?

"You are worried about Natsume-kun right?" Sawa-chan asks, she smiled warmly to me before proceed to hold my hands.

"Even if you're keeping it silent, burying all your worries in your heart, forcing yourself to never let it out. I do think I'm the only one who can hear Mia-chan's screams when you're not saying anything" Sawa-chan says.


"Do this favor for me okay? When you come back from the hospital, there will be a smile plastered on your face" She says before pushing me out of the class, gesturing me to go to the hospital before Sensei comes.

I look back to the class and Sawa had already went in already. "That's right...I have a friend by my side, a comrade who will stand by me when the world falls apart. I should have told Sawa about it earlier..." I say slowly.

I regret it.

Not talking to Sawa when I know she can listen to me the best. I pushed everyone aside and only thought about my own selfishness.

"After all, I'm not the only one who is worried about Natsume!" I exclaim. Mikan, Ho-chan, Sawa and everyone too. They are all worried about him.

"You know what to do by now right?" Watery asks me.

I nod, "This time, without fail"


I finally found Natsume's room after walking around the hospital for three rounds. Ugh...sometimes, I seriously don't have direction senses.

Twisting the doorknob, I open the door slowly. My gaze rested on a figure lying on the bed. His body is sweating a lot and he is panting even in sleep.
"Natsume...just how much pain have you been keeping to yourself?"

I sit at the edge of the bed. Looking at the Natsume right now, he doesn't see like his usual self. The always cold and lonely figure of him, it stills there.

"Ne Mia, why are you so concern towards Natsume after all? I don't think he had ever done anything good for you tho" Watery asks.

Yeah, I'm curious for that too. As to why I am always concern about him.

That's when I realized,

"He's just like me from the past" I say.

The image of the seven year old me comes back to my mind, how my eyes reflected coldness and loneliness. How my hands had never reached others, I was that kind of person before. Looking at Natsume right now, I can't let him be. I have to drag him out of the darkness that is wrapping him, preventing him from looking at the light.

"Mia, hide now!" Watery suddenly says.

"Eh? Wh-" I was cut off when Watery uses her own power to wrap me up in water, making me invisible.

I fell down from the bed and hit my head on the hard ground. Ugh..


"People are coming in" Watery stated, cutting me off. Weird.. Her tone of voice sounds serious tho..

The door squeak open and reveals three figures. Two man in suit and..Mouri Reo? No way...what is he doing in here? Does he knows Natsume? No, I don't think so. Reo's expression doesn't show any of the signs they know each other.

To my surprise, Reo takes out a handkerchief and pour some kind of liquid on it. What the-- I need to save him!!! Before I could realize it on my own, I was already in front of Reo, preventing him from doing anything to Natsume.

"Stop!!!" I exclaim loudly while stretching my arms out, blocking Natsume.

Reo's eyes widen and noticing my appearance, his bodyguard quickly reacted with trying to catch me. I use my Alice to protect myself and fight them but the pain in my knee is still killing me. One of them were trying to punch me but I avoid it splendidly. Unfortunately, I can't detect another guy who's standing behind me, ready to attack.

He used his Alice to knock me down and the last thing I saw was Natsume's body been taken away by Reo.

"No..." my voice didn't come out as how I wanted it to be, it's like a slow whisper. I tried to reach out for Natsume but it was no use. He's getting farther from me.



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