81 - Storm

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Mia leans her back against the pure white wall as she watches Mikan conversing with Kaname

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Mia leans her back against the pure white wall as she watches Mikan conversing with Kaname. She'd wrap herself into water, turning invisible and absorbed her body into the room through the molecules of air without anyone noticing her presence. Clutching onto her chestnut-coloured hoodie which she used to cover her head, away from the world's sight, the older Sakura bites her lips in attempt to compose herself.

Her heart is warm,
yet her soul is dead.

After Mikan steps out from the room with Bear, Mia takes it as her cue to disappear from everyone's sight. Just before she takes another step, "Mia-chan" Kaname's voice reaches out to her. A silent gasp left her lips as her hazel eyes retrace their path to the senior who is now smiling warmly to her. The water that was wrapping her turns into bubbles as her petite figure enters Kaname's frame of view. Her mind was blank for a split second before realising that Kaname can sense her presence through her soul.

"Why won't you look at me?" Kaname inquires but receives an absolute silence from the brunette. He witnesses how her shoulders are trembling and how hard she is clenching her fist, as if she is ashamed to meet eyes with him. "I..a-am terrible.." Mia manages to croak out despite the hot tears flowing endlessly, drawing lines on her face. "No, you're not. Mia-chan, you're not a terrible person" Kaname comforts the older twin and gestures for her to shorten the gap between them.

As she turns around, the hoodie falls down from her head as Mia runs to Kaname's side, wrapping her arms around the senior. The young girl sobs into his chest unceasingly, clutching on his hospital gown. Kaname strokes her head gently, wanting his gesture to comfort her more than words now. When Mia cries, he can sense the rawness to it, like the pain in her heart is still an open wound.

Knowing how well Mia will always clasp on something for support when she's in such a state, Kaname returns the hug with the little ounce of strength left in his frail body. Mia's sobs were stifled at first as she attempted to hide her grief, but she was soon hit by the wave of emotions in her heart, breaking down entirely in the arms of someone she trusted. All her defences were washed away in the form of tears.

When Mia turns to meet Kaname's gentle gaze, the older twin is a picture of grief, devastation mixed with resentment over oneself. It's the face of someone who hide a lot of secrets from her loved one just to secure their safety. In order to protect her sister, she'd abandon even her own well being and feelings, to the point that being seeing in such a terrifying state by Mikan scared Mia to death.

Kaname listened intently to her words of what happened and he, himself is infuriated over the junior high students who attempted to hurt the lovely twins in order to gain a petty star rank. He parts his lips, wanting to express his thoughts out aloud but was silenced when he realizes that Mia has fallen asleep in his embrace.

Stroking the older twin's hair, Kaname couldn't help but to worry and be anxious of what is awaiting the twins in the future. Everything that is happening right now might be a warning to all of them that a big storm is coming and that they have nowhere else to run to. They have to face the storm and defeat it; for it's the only way for them to return back to those peaceful days again.

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