60 - A Bad Feeling

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"Ah, sorry..

..but I don't want to associate myself with an idiotic clown"

Everyone who heard her words are literally frozen on their spots, not expecting such a thing coming out from her mouth. Nadeshiko feels her blood boiling from the older twin's behavior towards her and was about to raise her hand to slap Mia when Chiaki stops her.

"What are you doing to a guest?" Chiaki asks, emitting a very dangerous aura as she glares down to Nadeshiko.

"K-Kikyo-sama!" The hanahime stutter badly, sweatdropping from her arrival as they bowed down to her. Chiaki lets out a sigh, disappointed of her behavior.

"Such a disappointment" Chiaki stated before turning her attention to the six guests. "Mia, you need to greet Hii-sama first" she utters before stepping forward to Mia in which Mikan and Hotaru quickly shields the older twin.

"Mikan, Ho-chan..what are you guys doing?" Mia asks, placing her hands on their shoulders. "We can't let her hurt you!" Mikan whispers but Chiaki heard those words as she slowly bows down her head a little. Clenching her fist, she doesn't know what to do.

Mia felt her heart tighten after seeing Chiaki's facial expression but she knows better than to let her being engulfed in the darkness alone. She won't join her, she will take her out from it. Placing her hands on Mikan and Hotaru's shoulder, Mia sends a reassuring nod to both of them before walking to stand besides Chiaki.

Mikan, Hotaru, Ruka and Natsume's eyes widened slightly as Mia hold onto the silver-haired girl's hand. Cracking into a smile, it loosen the tension in the room as Chiaki felt calmer than before.

"What? Can't I hold my friend's hand?" Mia asks, grinning widely as Mikan's jaw is opened ajar, not believing her own ears. "Let's go, Chiaki" She utters, squeezing her hand as both of them heads off to greet Himemiya.

While walking, Mia turns back to face Mikan before mouthing, "Eat and recharge your energy" while pointing her index finger to the mochis she brought to Hanahime-den.

"Hii-sama, I've brought the hanahime candidate, Sakura Mia" Chiaki utters before seating down herself next to Himemiya on the left side as Shizune seated herself on the right one. Bowing down to Himemiya, she pursed her lips together before flashing a small smile.

"Hazel eyes.. I've heard that you gave your sister a water that let you watched over her, is that correct?" Himemiya questioned, covering her mouth with an opened fan, gazing to Mia with her dreamy eyes.

"Yes" she simply answers.

"Where did you learn to use that ability?" Himemiya asks and Mia was about to tell her about the soul speaking alice she possesed but Watery cut off her idea as she told Mia through her mind, 'Don't tell her about your second alice'

Believing in Watery, "I learnt it by myself" Mia answers before flashing a small smile towards the MSP.

"Indeed..such a talented, genius lady who can control her powerful alice by will" Himemiya utters but the hazel eyes that Mia possessed reminds her so much to him.

"May I know why you asked?" Mia asks politely, why would the MSP is interested in what her water alice can do?

"Such an ability..it was only possessed by Ayame no kimi(Iris), who was the most powerful water alice in this generation" Himemiya interprets while locking eyes with Mia who felt her heartbeat increasing by the mention of those words.

"Ayame no kimi, is she named Okawa Mizuki-san?" Mia asks carefully and she knew the answer right away as Himemiya's eyes are slightly widened after hearing the name she had being longing for. "It kinda surprise me that you knew about Ayame no kimi" Himemiya utters, covering half of her face with the fan.

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