31 - Breaking Down

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"Mikan! Ho-chan!" Mia calls out for them loudly but because of their far distances, they couldn't hear her. She was about to call out for them again and when an explosion burst out as she watches with fear on how the white van is on fire.

"What..what just happened?" Sawa asks, analizing the situation.

During the chaos, Mia and Sawa could see two people are assisting the suspect in escaping the white van. The explosion seems to be done by one of the man escorting the suspect with explosive powers. They watched in terror as three members of the staff were wounded in the explosion the life chase begins.

"That man is using various of Alices...shielding, explosion, hallucination, teleportation and many more" Mia mutters as she eyed the man, fighting with Academy's people while protecting that woman, Z.

"Mia! Those intruders! They are in the vinicity of the main section of the Academy, they are nearing where Mikan and Hotaru are hiding!" Sawa exclaims and as if it was a cue, she speeds up and brought the two of them to Mikan and Hotaru.

"Mia, use your Soul Speaking Alice to get through to Hotaru's Invention Alice to warn them to run away! We won't get there in time!" Sawa says and Mia nods her head befire linking to Hotaru's Alice.

'Tell Ho-chan to run away with Mikan now! Those intruders are nearing your hiding place!' Mia says through her mind to Hotaru's Alice and it gets to her as Hotaru looks around, trying to find Mia.

"Mikan! We must stop our plans now, we have to leave this place instantly. Indeed, something strange has happened..I'm not too sure either but we will speak lf this later" Hotaru says, sweats begin to form on her forehead. They have to hurry before the intruders find out they are around.

Just when they were trying to get away from there, those intruders teleported just in front of them. Hotaru looks back at them, her eyes widened in shock as she senses the danger coming. 'They are..'

"one of the males is skilled in transporting and other alices!"

Mia linked to Hotaru as both her and Sawa are nearing them. Please, they need to make it on time!

"What are children doing in this kind of place..?" One of the intruders ask. Hotaru looks at them with wide eyes, one of them is a woman. She must be the one who stole Mia and Iinchou's Alice!

That woman looks at her subordinates while mumbling something that Hotaru couldn't comprehend. "Hurry! The first priority is to get away!" One of the intruders says and they were about to leave Hotaru but it was all doomed when Mikan suddenly comes out from her hiding before calling for Hotaru.

"Hotaru, what are you doing? Let's hurry!" Mikan exclaims and was shocked to see the intruders in front of her own eyes. 'The intruders?!' Mikan thought to herself, her mouth is opened ajar. "Baka Mikan.." Hotaru mumbles and her words were heard by the woman.

"...This woman is equipped with the power to steal other people's alice" Hotaru remembered back Mia's words as she watches her getting closer to Mikan. Paralyzed with fear, Mikan couldn't command her legs to run.

The moment that woman was about to touch Mikan, a strong gravity suddenly pinned the intruders down onto the ground, suffocating them as they couldn't breath. Hotaru and Mikan looks above of them, finding Mia and Sawa are floating on air!

"Onee-chan!" Mikan exclaims, which once again took the attention of the woman. Mia,recognizing the woman who stole Watery felt her heart boiling with anger and wrath as she lets go of Sawa and landed safe on the ground.

She takes a hold of the woman's collar before rashly pulling her closer, "You, give back Watery to me" she remarked angrily. "Hey! What are you doing?!" One of the inruders said and uses his Alice to fight with Sawa.

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