28 - Strings of Incidents

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"Power...won't come out"

Iinchou and Mia's eyes widened in shock as color begins to drain from their faces. Everyone look at them, frozen with fear.

"Mia?" Sawa asks as she apporached Mia before placing her hand on her shoulder. "What do you mean by that?" She asks again but looking at Mia's pale face, she decided to retreat a few steps back.

Mia used her Soul Speaking Alice, trying to reach Watery's voice but it was useless. She can't hear her at all. Mia's heart started to thumping real hard as beads of perspiration begins to form on her forehead.

"Wa..tery?" She calls for her slowly but there is no response. No way, it's not like that, right? Colour begins to drain from her face as she realized with terror what must be going on.

"Onee-chan..?" Mikan says slowly, who is Mia calling for?

"Watery, if this is another joke from you then stop it, it's not funny" Mia stated, she didn't realize she said it out loud, raising confusions to her classmates. Watery?

"Mia.." Sawa looks at her worriedly, she can't hear Watery's voice?

"No..it can't be like this!!" Mia exclaims, she can't accept this. Don't, don't do this to her.

She turns around and spot Luka besides Natsume before running towards him. "Mia? What's wrong?" Luka asks but she keeps her silent as she uses her Soul Speaking Alice to hear Bunny's voice.

"Bunny, can you hear me?" Mia asks nervously.

"I can hear you, Mia" Bunny says and because she was too much in a shock, she didn't think to hide Bunny's voice, resulting to everyone in the classroom to hear Bunny's voice.

Overcome with fright, she lost her balance and fell down in a swoon.

"That voice just now..."

"Whose voice is that?"

Sawa approached Mia who is now on floor, secretly hoping it's not what she thinks it is. "Mia, everything is good, right? Watery..she is okay, right?" She asks slowly.

"I will never leave you, Mia"

"Watery...! Watery! Come out! I can't hear your voice! I can't hear it!! Don't do this to me! Don't leave me alone! You promised me you won't! WATERY!!!!" Mia yelled out loud, fear gripped her heart as she clutches her head in despair.

"We will be together forever"

"Onee-chan, calm down!" Mikan exclaims as she runs to Mia's aid and hold her shoulders. Everyone watched in terror as they still can't grasp on the full situation.

Natsume and Luka, who have been watching quietly also stand up from their seats, realizing this is beginning to become serious.

"WATERY!!!!!!" Mia yelled as tears are streaming down her cheeks as she cries loudly. No, she can't bear to lose Watery. Why her? Why the people she loved always left her like this?

 Why her? Why the people she loved always left her like this?

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