61 - Hanahime-den Soldiers

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"Your action have been too obvious, you know? That's why you end up like this" Rui says with a smirk accompanying his face while Hayate who is behind him snickered at Natsume.

Observing the Kikennouryoku-kei (dangerous ability) students in front of him, Natsume couldn't come up for whatever reason they have to be at Hanahime-den, especially there. "Hey, he doesn't seem to understand his position" Hayate speaks up.

"Well, Natsume's jobs are outside, so it's been obvious every single time he's skipped" Rui says, stepping forward to Natsume who is breaking into sweats.

Yakumo, the insect controlling alice told Natsume how his recent actions generate too much attention and they were ordered to deliver the punishment. In fact, the Hanahime-den basement is the place of the execution for students who will receive rewards or punishments.

Hearing those words had Natsume's eyes widened. So, it was a punishment order towards him.

"Whatever mistake brought you to this place, you set your feet on your own accord while building enough of my mistrust against you with your foolish manner" Persona's voice sends Natsume a shiver as he hurriedly turns back, finding the masked man smirking while holding onto Nobara close to his chest.

"If you still thought I would overlook this case..

..what a pity, Natsume" Persona stated, smirking at the raven-haired who felt his blood boiling from seeing him.

"Persona--!" Natsume exclaims, resentment is clouding his eyes as he grabs onto Persona's collar, clutching on it tightly. "Aoi! Aoi is here, right?!" he asks angrily.

"Where is Aoi?!!"

The result of his action had Natsume wincing in pain as Persona's mark of death alice is doing its job on his hands, resulting Natsume to pull away from the masked man. "There are 5 intruders. Hayate, Rui, Yakumo..one on five, can you do it?" Persona asks but it sounds more to an order.

Natsume's eyes widened at the mention of the 5 intruders. Don't tell him--!

'They followed me here? Those stupid idiots-!" he thought to himself, what are they thinking while wanting to follow his trace?

Rui and Hayate are bickering on who would take down the 5 intruders and it was decided that the mind manipulator will go. "I've always wanted to beat Natsume swollen and smashed, you know?! I was looking forward to it!" Hayate exclaims but Rui wasn't having any of it and he was eventually forced to go.

Glancing at Natsume, Persona stated, "Natsume..thanks to the 5 reinforcements, it's finally getting serious, hmm?"

Perspirations begins to cover his forehead, clenching onto his fist while wishing that he could just burn everything right now. Even Persona who had took his most important sister.

They are currently at a place where Himemiya's barrier has the strongest influence and their power has been extremely dimished. That is, they can only exert half of their usual power and it has become a disadvantage for him who are unaccustomed to the barrier.

"If you can defeat all four of them, then..the question you've been wondering about will be answered" Persona utters, resulting Natsume's eyes to widen to his words.

"Where is Aoi?"


"Let's go!" Mikan exclaims as Youichi, Hotaru and Ruka follows her into the entrance while Mia is at the farthest behind.

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