77 - Red Thread

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"..he didn't take it" Mia mutters quietly while bending her back, staring at the untouched bottle containing her handmade juice. She shifts her gaze to his door, convincing herself that he might hasn't come out from his room yet. "You've been producing healing water nonstop these days, you need a rest" Watery reminds her.

Shaking her head in disagreement, "I'll be alright" Mia reasurres her Water alice while smiling softly. "Mia, it'll take a toll on your body. Can't you please be selfish for once?" Watery asks again, a hint of desperation can be detected in her tone of voice. However, Watery also acknowledges that Mia's personalities won't let herself from doing such a thing.

Unbeknownst to the brunette, the owner of the room has been leaning his back against the door since she first arrived. Those words uttered by Watery were heard clearly by him. Natsume's eyes turn dull, his body is screaming from exhaustion, yet he refuses to recharge his batteries.

He wants to hear her voice.

Clutching onto a scarlet pouch tied with hazel-coloured ribbon which reflected her eyes, Natsume brings it closer to his face. He leans his forehead against the pouch, fighting the urge to open the door for her. If only the girl knows how much he treasures her and how strong the feelings he has towards her are put into creating this crimson alice stone.

Drops of blood oozing out from his nostril has Natsume shifting his gaze to the back of his hand. He desperately wishes the time to stop trickling forward to the future where he is unsure of her safety and how well he can protect her from the ESP.

Time doesn't have any mercy for him-- for the two of them.

The sudden call for her name has Mia tearing her eyes away from the bottle to Mikan who is waving her hand, a luminous smile plastered on her face. The younger twin's brightness is proved to be contagious as Mia herself is also smiling right now. Mikan quicken her steps before burying her face into Mia's warm hug. The twins crack into peals of laughter, contented just being by each other's side.

"Two chestnut-brain idiots over there, hurry up or I'll let this squirrel mecha to bite off your heads" Hotaru stated, holding a mechanical squirrel mecha in her hand. Mikan shrieks in fear from the sight of the ravenette's invention, hiding behind Mia and using the older twin as her shield. Mia laughs out loud from witnessing her sister's reaction, in which amused both Mikan and Hotaru.

They realize how Mia has gotten brighter, her face radiates happiness more often now but the prime change is definitely the ribbons. It is uncertain whether the older twin ties up a little part of her hair with ribbons in each side of her head because summer is approaching or it's because she has returned to her old self. Nevertheless, they are elated to know that Mia is more cheerful now.


"Mikan, Hotaru, Mia~"

"Mikan, Hotaru, Mia~"

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