14 - Can't I?

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Mia's POV

"Nee-chan, why are you crying?" Mikan asks, her face is pale and her mouth is open ajar. Ahh...that's right. I have never once cried in front of her before. She quickly approached me and take my hands into hers. "Nee-chan, are you okay? Does your body hurts too much?" she attacks me with her questions.

I let out a slow chuckle before ruffling her hair, "I'm fine, I got dust in my eyes that's all" I reassured her. Mikan proceed to hug me as her hand is patting my back slowly. Looking up to Sawa-chan, I give her a small smile and mouthed 'I'm really okay' to her but she didn't buy that when she mouthed back 'liar' to me.

Ugh, looks like I'm surrounded of mind-readers.

"If you want to visit Natsume, his room is just next to yours" Sawa-chan suddenly says, making eyes widened in shock. He's just next to me?!

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" I say loudly before dashing off from my bed and head towards Natsume's room. I was about to knock on the door when a voice from inside said, "Come in"

I smirk as I heard his voice before entering the room. Natsume is sitting under the window, his gazes are not leaving me. I smiled softly to him before walking to Natsume and sit besides him. "Are you okay?" I ask, breaking the ice between us.

"I do think that is supposed to be my question" Natsume says. Wth he talked just like Watery. "I asked you first" I say as I hugged my knees. Natsume avoided my eyes and stared at the wall in front of him. It was an awkward silence but I love this feelings. It is so calming and it's been awhile since I last felt this calm.

"Even if I said I'm okay, you will not believe me" Natsume stated. Pfft, did he just pout a bit? He did it for a second but I got to have a glance of it. Why are people so afraid of him though? He's nothing like the rumours. You can't expect him to be nice to everyone.

"You see... I actually overheard what Reo said about your past" I mutter slowly, turning my face to him, he is still keeping his poker face.

"I don't believe in his words, not even a bit. I don't believe that you would do something like that"

My lips formed a soft smile and I reached out my hand to Natsume, holding his hand tightly in mine.

"I will only believe in you"


"Oh? Mia-chan!" Iinchou exclaims happily as he approaced Mia who come to the class with Sawa.

Mikan, Hotaru and a few of their classmates plus Mia's fanboys also approached them happily, asking her about her condition as she smiled brightly to them. "I'm so fine fight now that I can drown the whole school!" Mia says, earning weird looks from her classmates.

"Nee-chan, go and sit down. You still need to rest" Mikan says as she urged the older twin to sit down. "Hehe I'm okay!" Mia says and her voice trailed off when she spotted Natsume with his gang. She smiled softly to him before turning her attention to Mikan again.

"That reminds me, what are you guys doing for the festival?" Iinchou asks. All of them are discussing about their classes event while Mia and Sawa are shutting their mouth while exchanging looks.

"Sawa...you better don't tell them anything" Mia stated as she tried to hide her smile. "Hehehe, I will consider about that" Sawa says slowly before leaning in to whisper to Mia, "Maybe I will tell Natsume about it"

At the mention of his name, Natsume turns to them and his eyes landed on the older twin whose face is now bright red. "What are you gossiping about?" he asks with his usual cold tone.

"Mia is going to co-"

"AGATA SAWAKO SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH" Mia shouts loudly while covering Sawa's mouth. "I-it's nothing! Don't mind her!" Mia quickly says. There's no way she's telling Natsume about that!


Mia's POV

"Mia-chan, have you finished memorizing your lines?" Itaku senpai asks me as he took a seat in front of me.

Kirishima Itaku, he's a second year in middle school and is also a Water type Alice like me. Because of our same Alices, we become close in no time when I first come to Senzai-kei.

"I've got a long way to go yet! How about you senpai?" I ask as I analized his script which have lots of lines being highlighted.

"Same like you and I still can't come up with an idea for the ending" he says while scratching his head. "Maybe you should try drowning yourself" I say, smirking to him.

"Do you want me dead or what" Itaku senpai replied with a hint of fear which we simply laugh it off.

Senzai-kei have lots of students so we are also doing many events for the upcoming festival. Apparently, the Water type alice users are going to have a performance where we are going to act.

It's like a combination of 'The Little Mermaid' and magical

"Is he going to come watch you?" Itaku senpai suddenly asks. He?

"Who is this he you're talking about?"


"Ah...I think it's better if he didn't come see me after all" I say while looking down. It will be too embarrassing for me to bear.

"Ayy~ are you shy because of the costume?" Itaku senpai asks and I can't agree even more. They planned to dress me in a crop top with mini skirt like ughhhhhhhh

I don't like showing my skin and to show it to hundreds of people is too much, adding Natsume to that is worser.

"But if he comes and have fun, wouldn't you be happy too? We are, after all, doing this performance to make everyone happy. Hyuuga-kun is also part of it" Itaku senpai says.

To this words, my eyes widened a bit. He's right. Moreover with everything that's been going on before, Natsume is probably tired and depressed.

"You're right senpai! I will try talking with him"


After the practice, I went around to find Natsume but no lucks, I couldn't find him at all. Where on earth is this guy hiding? Is he reading manga in the toilet or what?

"He's not here too..." I mumble to myself as I checked in the classroom. Ugh, maybe I will just tell him whenever we meet later. Out of blue, I heard a voice talking. Somehow, the voice sounded so familiar to me.


I walk to the window and search for her and my eyes landed on Mikan. Is she talking to someone? I open the window and tried listening to their conversation and was shock when I recognize the other person's voice.

So Natsume has been hiding in the bushes?

"Nee-chan has been searching for you! What are you even doing here?" I heard Mikan asks. He's probably there being all emo by himself again.

"It's better if she didn't search for me anymore"

"Huh? Why is that? Nee-chan was so wo-"

"I don't need her to worry about me"


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