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*you're a waiter filling in for your friend at the same restaurant you just ate at*

You: *goes up to a customer* "what would you like to order sir?"

R.C: "I would like to order water that is exactly 75°F, and I would like to order an Italian salad with no extra fat added, and I also want a cake with no sugar, no flour, and no eggs"

You: "um sir, that isn't on the order menu"

R.C: "Listen low life, you will take my order or I'll have to talk to your manager"

You: *takes a deep breath and tries not to snap at this Rude Customer* "sir, you can talk to the manager all you want but the 'cake' that you want isn't on the menu"

R.C: "alright whatever that's all I wanted to order"

You: *writes down order and goes to the kitchen* "wow, no wonder it takes so long for the food to get ready" *looks at all the dirty dishes and the dirty floor and mixed up ingredients*

Chef: "-_-"

*foods done and you bring the food to the R.C.*

R.C.: *takes out thermometer to measure temperature of water*

You: *inside your head "he's serious right now, like really, he's joking right"*

R.C: "umm, I did not order this"

You: "yes you did, I have it written down"

R.C: "my water is the wrong temperature, and this isn't cake"

You: *takes a deep breath, and leaves the table*

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