Warrior Cats

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(Requested by haileymischief, who is also the owner of this AU. The picture is the info they sent me about the au, since I'm slightly bad at explaining things.

I think I only changed one thing. Hope that's alright with you, creator!

Anyways, let's get started.)

Kinkgaze ran into the clearing of his clan's camp with a mouse in his jaw, trying not be tempted to eat the darned thing. He hadn't eaten anything for that entire day, thanks to the weather starting to turn cold, showing that leadbare was near. He dropped of his kill into the small fresh kill pile in the center of the camp and sat back, licking one of his paws. His friends, Greenpelt and Gingerpetal, sat besides him and started talking for a few brief moments before Greenpelt looked at Kinkgaze.
"Hey, bud, can you go and give some of the freshkill to the elders?" The deputy said, his dark green gaze soft and kind.
"Sure." Kinkgaze strode back over to the pile, picked up two mice and a rabbit, and made his way over to the small elders den.

Only three cats lay in the small clearing; two were talking while the third sat by himself. Kinkgaze dropped one of the mice and the rabbit in front of the two other elders, who thanked him, as he headed over to third with the last mouse. He set it down in front of the cat, who looked up at him.
"What do you want?" The cat hissed, making Kinkgaze step back slightly.
"Sheesh, I was just giving you food. Calm down, Scorchflame." Kinkgaze said to his 'friend' and sat next to the tomcat.
You see, the two were frenemies before Scorchflame was moved into the elder's den a few moons ago, due to getting his paw bitten off by a dog. He was about Kinkgaze's age, in fact, but couldn't fight anymore as a true warrior.

Scorchflame noticed Kinkgaze staring off into the distance and gently pushed his side against his to get his attention. The cat looked over to him suddenly.
"Sorry. You just looked like you were snapped out of it." Scorchflame laughed gently and Kinkgaze nodded his head before looking away. Scorchflame was about to ask him what was wrong, but he noticed how thin the other cat looked. He looked down at his own food, which was half eaten, and pushed it over to his freind with his remaining front paw. Kinkgaze looked at him confused.
"I'm.... not hungry. You look like you deserve it more than me." Scorchflame chuckled and Kinkgaze smiled back before digging in.

That afternoon, for Kinkgaze, was spent catching up with Scorchflame in the elder's den, enjoying the sunlighten area with him. As the sun dissapeared behind the line of trees, Kinkgaze stood up and stretched out his back leg.
   "I should be going...." his voice didn't sound as if he was sure and Scorchflame nodded softly, sad to see his friend go. The other two elder cats had already went to sleep, leaving the two alone.
   "You don't want to go, do you?" Scorchflame asked Kinkgaze, who nodded and layed back down next to the other.
   "Well, might as well listen to what my heart is telling me." Kinkgaze smiled softly at Scorchflame, who felt his cheeks heat up slightly.
   "But it's cold!"
   "I don't care." Kinkgaze responded and cuddled up next to Scorchflame, snuggling into his pelt while wrapping his tail around his. Scorchflame blushed slightly more and shrugged to himself, resting his muzzle on top of Kinkgaze's head as he tried to pull the smaller tom closer so that the cold breeze wouldn't get to him.
   "I guess I could fall asleep like this..." Scorchflame trailed off for a moment and closed his eyes, relaxing. "Goodnight, Kinkgaze."
   "Goodnight." Replied the other tomcat, who drifted off to sleep rather quickly. Scorchflame chuckled softly and started to doze off as well, letting sleep take ahold of his paws.

(Sorry if it was bad! I could rewrite it if you want me to.)

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