Snow Day

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(Another winter themed shot. Its turning winter here, ok? I'm in the fluffy mood, too, and winter is the best season for cuddles and shit.

So, this probably takes place after the last shot or something like that.
Sorry if this sucks, I kind of am out of ideas right now. I'm stuck back into my favorite AU and I don't know what to do? I have to use a prompt for this, kind of.)

    Tom shuffled outside of the house, hissing at the bright light. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the snow outside was pure white, making his eyes burn. Tord followed after him, pushing his face into a red scarf he wore. Edd still decided that they were going outside to play in the snow. Because, ya know, he had to remind the world that they're 'adults'.

Tord hummed to himself as he started making a pile of snowballs. Edd and Matt were busy making an army of snowmen and Tom was bored. The Brit walked over to his boyfriend and sat down in the snow next to him, adjusting the hat and earmuffs he wore.
   "What are you doing?"
   "You, normally. But something new now."
   Tom's cheeks heated up against the cold and he huffed.

   After a few moments of silence passed, Tom decided to speak again, and hoped Tord wouldn't make anything sexual again.
   "Ya know, a few years ago, Edd, Matt, and I were out here around the same time as now. And toxic waste was dumped everywhere from a plane exploding. And-"
   "I know. Edd told me. That toxic waste was my fault." Tord stated without any feeling.
   "My soldier, Paul, and his boyfriend, Pat, blew up our plane on a cloudberg."
  "The fuck..?"
   "Yeah." Tord chuckled and finished, smiling at his almost literal mountain of snowballs. He picked up one and looked at Edd and Matt, who were laughing about something. He pulled his arm back and threw the snowball, hitting Matt square in the cheek. He went down with a scream that sounded like a chicken and Tord and Tom started laughing. Edd grinned playfully at his friends and make a snowball in his hands from the snow at his feet. While Tord was laughing, he didn't see Edd hurtle the snowball right at his face, and it landed right in his mouth, perfectly. Tord spat the ball of snow out and glared at Matt, who was starting to get up, and Edd who was cheering. Tom looked at his boyfriend, who looked back. They nodded at each other and ran to the snowball pile, hiding behind it, and getting ready to start a snowball war in their backyard.

   After a few hours. The war seemed to slow down a bit. Tord and Tom crouched behind a snow pile with Edd and Matt across the yard. They had barely been shot, but the house windows were covered in snowballs now. Hell, Eduardo tried to get out there from next door and tell them to stop because they almost broke his window with a rock inside of a snowball, but he just got hit in the eye but one of Tom's speedballs. The four friends spend a few minutes laughing with Jon, Mark, and Todd, while Eduardo just growled and stomped back inside.
   Tom decided to take a risk to get more snow, for they were slowly starting to run out in his and Tord's area. As he did, he heard Tord scream 'no' like he was gonna get shot and he was knocked off of his feet by one of Matt's snowballs, falling into the snow. Tord continued to scream and ran over to him. Tom chuckled and leaned into the pile he had landed in. Tord reached him, deciding to be dramatic.

  "Tommy, nooo! My only love!" He faked it like he was crying. Tom bit his lip and tried to act dead. "Whatever shall I do now?" Tord chuckled and put his hand out to try and help Tom up. The Brit opened his eyes, grabbed his arm, and looked at Edd and Matt, winking. Edd nodded and threw a snowball at Tord before he knew what was happening. Tom yanked his arm down and the morality toppled over and landed on top of Tom. The two stayed up at each other for a moment and chuckled together before Tord leaned down and gently placed a kiss on Tom's lips. Tom wrapped his arms around Tord's neck and kissed back. Edd and Matt laughed from the other side of the yard, but the two didn't pay attention, they were too busy making out at this point.

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