This Is The End, Isnt It? (Part 2)

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(So I made a lot of you cry. Sorry for that! I guess you could consisted this a happy ending...?

Idk. All you need to know is that Tord did, in fact, keep his promise. He followed Tom around as a ghost. Kind of like how Jon looked at the end of... well, The End, but red to mark his soul as damned to walk the earth for eternity.)

Some say that history repeated itself. Tom believed this, because it happened to him. When the four friends lived together, it was exactly eight years while Tord was gone, dropping all contact with Tom, Edd, and Matt. And now, it had been eight years since he went away again, this time for good.
This didn't mean that Tom broke down, though. He kept the promise he made Tord and took care of the Red Army, becoming the new Red Leader. He kept Paul as the second in command, since the two had become close friends and he was a good soldier for the spot. He didn't have an advisor, like he was to Tord, but his son and daughter helped him out when they were old enough.
Tom did his best to distract himself from the pain of Tord not being there anymore. Mostly, that was in his work or jsut relaxing with his kids. Of course, Tick and Tac didn't know why Tord left suddenly at first, but they slowly began to understand what happened.

   Tom also took up his time with learning how to be a good shooter, like Tord was. So, if he wasn't leading the army or caring for Tick and Tac, he was down at the shooting range area of the base, practicing with countless weapons. He favorited an AK-47 or a shotgun, but he was good with all kinds of guns. And his goggles helped him with aiming.
    But, that's not the point. Tom did miss Tord, and he missed him a lot. He just had to keep himself strong. He almost broke down a few times, but his two friends were there for him. Edd and Matt were heartbroken by Tord's death, but they were always there for Tom.

    Tom opened his eyes, trying to catch his breath. He was on a similar-looking battlefield with his army battling, yet again, the Blue Army. He hated them, probably because one of the soldiers or the leader took Tord's life. He had killed many soldiers on the opposite side, so much so that it was almost like a game full of revenge.
   Tom gripped his gun, leaning out from behind the bush he was behind and shot a few people down before leaning back against the bush. He wiped some sweat off of his forehead before repeating the proceeds of picking off soldiers. He thought its would be relatively easy for him to just do this, but he suddenly got an adrenaline rush that made him bolt across the battlefield and camp behind a boulder for a moment.
    He continued his tactic of picking off soldiers before he took another bolting run to another boulder. He went back to his old tactic, but leaned out too much on one shot.

   He didn't feel anything. All he felt was a small pain in his chest as he fell over. He didn't know what was going on, but he heard muffled voices around him, clearly panicking. He blinked for a moment and, when he opened his eyes, he saw a red form standing in front of him. He looked up a little bit to see the familiar face of his husband, smiling sadly at him. Tom smiled back before laying back down as the world faded to black.

(I explained this too much in the comments, so I'm putting it here.

What happens after this: Tick and Tac are both 14 years old when this occurs. Tom has trained them up because he knows his job is dangerous and he can get killed at any moment. When they get this message, Tick forces himself to stay strong for his sister and, since he is the first born, he takes on being the Red Leader.

And don't worry about the army, guys. Tick ends up taking over the world when he's in his late 20s.)

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