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(First thing: I know I'm on writing hiatus. I had these next three shots already written and wanted to get them out.

Second thing: So... I had a draft for this, but it was deleted. So I forgot the prompt and who requested it. And the chapter they commented on was deleted. I'm sorry.

But, I remember most of the prompt, I think.
Here's what it was (again, I think):

Tom and Tord are alone on Valentine's Day. Matt and Edd are off on a date. Tord decides to try and be nice to Tom for once and ends up confessing.

If you're the person that requested this and that's wrong, please tell me. I'll take the chapter down and re-write it. Again, I'm sorry. My Wattpad has been glitchy. And sorry if it sucks.)

    It was Valentine's Day, a holiday that Tom didn't exactly love. He always was alone on the holiday, so he kept it that way. While Edd and Matt celebrated by cuddling on the couch, Tom locked himself up in his room.
   Tord wasn't a big fan of the time, either. Just like Tom, he was alone. He mostly stayed in his room for the day, except at one point, to go out to grab something from the store. When he returned, though, he went straight to his room and sat on his bed.

   "Tom! Tord! Matt and I will be back in a few hours or something!" Edd called upstairs at around 2:00 pm.
   "Alright!" Tord called back, since Tom decided to stay quiet. Once he heard the front door close and Edd and Matt leave, Tord reached under his bed and grabbed what he had gotten: a small box of chocolates. He looked at his door, staring at it.
   'Tord Audet. You can do this. It's not that hard. Just go comfort him. This doesn't mean anything... just don't let your words slip out.' The norski thought to himself as he stood up and walked over to his door and opened it. He walked out of his room and out into the hallway. All he had to do was walk across the hallway, to where Tom's room was, and knock.

   "Tom, I know you're in there." Tord said as he knocked again. "I want to talk to you." He stopped and dropped his arm, listening. There was some shuffling sounds behind the door before it unlocked and opened up. Tom poked his head out. He looked like he just woke up from a nap, for his hair was slightly messed up and there were bags under his eyes. He yawned and opened the door fully.
  "What do you want, commie?"
  "Well... we're both lonely so... I thought I would come say hi to you."
   "Well fuck off." Tom stated and almost shut the door in Tord's face. The norski quickly pushed his foot in between the wall and the door, stopping Tom from closing it. The Brit looked at him, confused.
   "Aw, come on, Thomas. I'm just trying to be nice. I got you something." Tom opened the door again a little bit as Tord handed him the small box of chocolates.
   "I know they're not much, but I thought-"
   "Fine. I'll be nice to you, too." Tom opens the door and walked into his room. He put the cocolate box on his dresser and sat on his messy bed. Tord followed him, sitting next to him. He norski smiled down at Tom.

   "Sorry that I'm an asshole to you 24/7. I don't mean to be." Tord said. Tom just nodded and looked down.
   "Sorry, too... I guess." Tord chuckled and hugged the smaller male, making Tom squeak. The norski chuckled again and pulled back a bit.
   "That was cute."
   "Shut up!" Tom pushed away from Tord's embarce. Tord puffed his cheek out and crossed his arms. "... What are you doing?"
  "This is you. Being a tsandere."
  "Oh, be quiet, commie."
  "Come on." Tord dropped his arms and smiled again. "If you're a tsandere, then I'm a yandere!"
   "That's... terrifying, actually." Tom looked at his weirdly. "But for who, though?"
  "You, of course! I love you!" Tord exclaimed before his eyes widened and he covered his mouth with his hands. He looked at Tom, who was surprised and had white eyes. "Uh... I didn't mean for that to come out."

   A moment of awkward silence crossed the two before Tord stood up.
   "I'll... just leave." The norski was about to do as he said, but Tom grabbed his shelve and pulled him back down into the bed. Tord blushed a bit and looked at Tom, who was blushing as well, and was looking away.
  "You... don't have to. If you meant it."
  "I did mean it." Tord smiled and hugged Tom again. The Brit hugged him back instantly.
   "I love you too..." Tom mumbled faintly. Tord chuckled.
  "What was that?"
  "You know exactly what I said."

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