Zombeh Attack (feels)

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(Requested by SpringBonnieRenewed. Hope it's not bad! I've been working on crap all day setting up another profile and everything...

Also, I took a slight bit of inspiration from the opening scene of the movie 'Zombie Land'. I don't know why, I just did. And this doesn't really take place in the Zombeh Attack past. It's just after The End because... well, I don't know why. I just did it. Actually, it's more like the Fun Dead scenario. Hope you don't mind that.

     Tom walked down the hallway of the apartment complex, leading up to his door. He smiled once he reached it. He was out buying some more Smirnoff from the local liquor store, and promised his roommate, well, I guess you could also say his boyfriend, that he would be back in under an hour. He barely made that time, but he didn't care. He walked into his apartment and put the bag he was carrying down, listening to the bottles clink against eachother.
"Tord? I'm back." Tom called into the apartment, closing the door behind him. Strange, he didn't hear his boyfriend anywhere. "Tord..?"

The Brit wandered around the apartment for a few minutes, finding nothing.
"Tord, if you're trying to scare me, it isn't working." Tom stated nonchalantly and walked over to the kitchen, flicking the lights on. Again, no sign of the red clad communist anywhere. He walked over to the fridge, thinking for a bit. When the two used to live in a house with their other two friends, Tord used to hide in the most ridiculous places in order to scare him. Hell, he once hid in the fridge. So, Tom expected the tall norski to, once again, somehow folded himself up and fit into the fridge. He opened the door and wasn't met with anything out of particular. He saw a note on the top shelf of the fridge, though, and he picked it up, reading it.

Dear Tom,
You're probably wondering why this was in the fridge! Well, I wanted to put it somewhere that you would see it. As you can tell, I'm not here. I got called out by Paul and Pat and they told me I had to meet up with them.
I'll be back by early morning, I promise you. I'm not leaving forever. I'll see you later.
Love ya, Jehovah~

Tom put the letter on the counter and sighed in relief. At least Tord wasn't murdered or something. He knew that if the communist's soldiers called him, it was probably a big issue, but he trusted Tord would be fine. So, with that, Tom put the bottles in the fridge and sat on the couch. He turned the tv on and, since there wasn't anything big on, he turned on the news. After a few hours, he fell asleep on the couch, due to both tiredness and boredom. Nothing seemed to be important on the news, until he fell asleep. He turned the tv volume down, so the sirens coming from the speakers didn't wake the Brit up, and he didn't hear the warning.

   He woke up rather rudely, from one of his friends shaking him. He groaned and flipped over, seeing Edd leaning over the edge of the couch. His eyes were wide and he looked pretty scared.
   "Edd? What the hell? Why are you here?" Tom asked as he slowly sat up. He grabbed his phone off of the coffee table to check the time, and was greeted by a warning popping up. He opened it up and scanned over the text, looking at it confused.
    "That's why I'm here, Tom." Edd replied shakily. Tom decided to read the alert's headline out loud.
   "Zombie virus..? Edd, what's happening?" Tom looked over to his friend.
   "It was all over the news. Supposedly, there literally is a zombie virus. It started in a small town outside of London a few hours ago and it's been spreading around violently. They tried to get a small army in to stop it, but it didn't help."
   "Wait... what was the name of the army..?" Tom asked.
   "Uh... the Red Army or something? Most of the soldiers are dead and changed into zombies. Their leader was the first to go down, apprently, and after that, everyone just started falling down. I heard that the two main soldiers formed a suicide pact for themselves and killed eachother so they didn't have to turn into those things." Edd explained and Tom's heart dropped.
   "That's... horrible..." he told himself that it couldn't be right. Tord couldn't be dead.
    Suddenly, Matt stumbled into the room from down the hall and looked at the two.
   "Finally, Tom's up. Do you have any weapons?" The narcissist asked quickly.
   "Uh... yeah? Why?"
   "The complex may be overrun by zombies." Matt stated. Edd nodded. No wonder why the cinniroll leader was so nervous. Tom got up and walked down the hall.
   "Yeah. I couldn't save any of my harpoons from the house blowing up, but Tord brought some guns with him."
   "Where even is he?" Edd asked as he followed. Tom gulped, telling himself again that Tord couldn't be gone.
   "Uh... he went out with a few friends to go to a bar. So he's probably being a badass and fighting off the zombies with broken bottles." Tom stated with a nervous chuckle as he walked into the only bedroom of the apartment. He walked over to the closet and opened it, pulling out a box of pistols and rifles. Matt and Edd gasped a bit as Tom started passing out guns and ammo.
   "Let's get the hell out of here." Matt stated. "And meet up with Tord." Edd nodded as Tom froze for a moment. He pushed past his friends, gripping two pistols in his hand. He walked out of his apartment and dashed down the hallway, his friends following him.

    When they reached the downstairs lobby, the door was blocked up, but the zombie hoard were slowly breaking past the barricade.
   "Go back up to the middle staircase platform and stay there! Shoot them from up there!" Tom ordered. Edd and Matt nodded, running up the first set of stairs and starting to load their guns. Tom looked at the barricade before following his friends and putting bullets into his pistols.
After a minute of waiting, the zombies finally broke through and the three starting shooting them down, one by one. Edd and Matt had good aim, which surprised Tom. He had alright aim and Tord had taught him how to even hold a gun correctly. But, he didn't let it take up his mind for too long, for the three were probably in great danger.

Many minutes and bullets later, most of the hoard had fallen dead once again. Edd and Matt were cheering once everything seemed silent, and Tom got up, walking down the stairs. He checked for any signs of life before stepping through the bloodied corpses of the zombies. He stared walking to the broken down door when he heard a groan from outside. Tom paused in his tracks as he watched a single zombie walk in, one that was familiar. Edd and Matt gasped loudly behind him and Tom's eyes went white as he froze.
The zombie wore a ripped army suit with a bright red hoodie under it. He was covered in blood stains and one eye seemed ripped out, while the other was white. His skin and muscle already decaying, making him look green and the scars on the right side of his face were ripped open. He had a large bite mark in his shoulder that was bleeding profusely. Tom knew who it was, but he told himself otherwise until he looked at his hair. Two demon spikes horns made from his cinnamon brown hair; an iconic look of his boyfriend.
"Tord?!" Edd screeched behind him, confirming his thoughts. Tom backed up.
"Oh... god..." the Brit muttered under his breath. The zombie seemed to stop walking and just stared at Tom. Tom smiled a bit. Maybe he wasn't completely changed. Maybe he remembered them.
His thoughts were proven false when the zombie growled and lunged at Tom. The Brit dodged it of the way, making the norski land into the table, breaking it. He growled again and got up, staring at Tom again.
"Tom, shoot him! He isn't the Tord we know anymore!" Matt screamed at him. Edd slowly nodded along with him, clearly trying not to cry. Meanwhile, Tom wasn't scared of bursting into tears on the spot as he lifted his gun to Tord. The zombie stumbled forward again, growling under his breath. Tom gulped.
"I'm... I'm sorry..." Tom muttered before shooting Tord right thought the skull.

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