Life Would Suck Without You

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(Not requested by anyone, just wanted to do this by myself.

I have one request I'm working on that I hope to get out before Christmas. If I don't, I'm sorry. Requests are open so sent them in so I won't be bored.

This is a song fic because I wanted to and this song fits Tom and Tord perfectly. So, no, not a band AU, but still a song fic.

Song is 'My Life Would Suck Without You' by Kelly Clarkson if the video above doesn't work.)

    Tom leaned back against the wall behind his bed, his precious bass, Susan, in his hands. He looked down at the guitar and strummed a few of the chords, wanting to practice a song that he thought fit him and his boyfriend pretty fricking well. He remembered the chords he had been practicing all week and strummed a few of them, singing the song softly with the strums.
   "Guess this means your sorry, you're standing at my door... guess this means you take back all you said before..." he sang, closing his eyes and letting his fingers work on the strings as he remembered a few nights ago.

   Tord, Tom's boyfriend, and Tom himself had gotten into a huge fight, one that only matched the fights they had before they started dating and when they were enemies. Tom couldn't really remember how it started, but both him and Tord had said some stupid shit during the fight.

"Like how much you wanted anyone but me... said you'd never come back, yet here you are again." Tom sang, his voice getting a bit louder.

  "I FUCKING HATE YOU SO GOD DAMN MUCH!" Tord has screeched at Tom, glaring at him with rage in his now red eyes. "I WISH I WASN'T YOUR BOYFRIEND. YOU'RE A FUCKING ASSHOLE." He had said, seething with anger.
   "I WISH I WASN'T YOUR BOYFRIEND, TOO!" Tom had screamed back, Tord turning and leaving, mumbling curses under his breath. He flipped Tom off as he left and the Brit marched down the hall, smoke pouring out of his eyes in anger.
   A few hours later, Tom lay on his bed. Tord didn't return home, so he guessed Tord was really done with them being together and had just left them all behind again. He heard a knock at his door and got up, opening the door when he got to it. Tord stood there, his eyes red and slightly puffy, showing he had been crying. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Tom.
   "Thomas... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you..." he muttered to the Brit softly, regret in his normal silver eyes.

   "Cause we belong together now, yeah.. forever untied here somehow... Yeah... you've got a piece of me, and honestly, my life would suck without you..." Tom kept singing, kind of loud now. He didn't care, Edd and Matt weren't home. Though, he didn't know about Tord. "Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye, maybe I was wrong for trying to pick a fight..."

  Tom had hugged Tord tightly and stayed in the norksi's arms after Tord had muttered that apology. Tom mumbled 'I'm sorry's to Tord as well as the taller male let out a very soft chuckle.
   "I know that I've got issues, but you're pretty messed up too... either way, I found out, I'm nothing without you." He smiled a bit. "Cause we belong together now. Forever untied here somehow, you got a piece of me, and honestly.. my life, would suck, without you." He kept singing, unaware of the footsteps outside of the hall that stopped in his doorway.

"Promise me that we won't ever break up..." Tom had muttered into the norski's red hoodie. Tord rubbed his back and nodded.
  "I promise, Thomas... I love you."
  "I love you, too. I would break apart without you here to keep me together." Tom muttered again. Tord pulled back from the hug and kissed Tom, who kissed back instantly.

"Being with you is so dysfunctional... I really shouldn't miss you, but I can't let you go..." Tom sang, opening his eyes and looking over to Tord, who was in the doorway, smirking. He walked up to Tom as he started strumming again.
   "Cause we belong together, yeah." Tord sang, his accent helping to make his singing voice even more beautiful, in Tom's opinion. The Brit sat up and besides Tord as the norksi sat down on the bed.
   "Forever untied here somehow, yeah." Tom chimed in.
   "You got a piece of me..." Tord sang.
   "And honestly..." Tom followed up.
   "My life would suck without you!" The two sang together. Tom put his guitar down and crawled over to sit in Tord's lap. The morality draped his arms around the smaller male and planted a kiss on his cheek, making Tom chuckle and lean against him.

(Sorry that's its bad, I'm bored)

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