OTP Questions 3

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(Taking a break from writing one shots for the day, maybe. MAYBE. I have three others requested. One I have to wait for a prompt for, one is a part 2 of a shot that I started working on, and the final one I have zero ideas for.)

Who's the cuddlier?: Tord. In all AUs. He's the one who always wants to cuddle his bae.

Who makes the bed?: Tord. Tom is too lazy to.

Who wakes up first?: again, Tord. He's used to military time, so he wakes up super early and makes breakfast for him and Tom.

Who has a weird taste in music?: they both do. Tord likes those random songs that are just a bunch of sounds and phrases, while Tom loves heavy metal and rock songs, as well as some pop songs. Tord likes them, too. (I'm basically Tord in this. Just, all of the random and pop songs. And some rock.)

Who is more protective?: it depends. Normally, Tord is. But, when Tom is a monster or in his half form, he's very protective.

Who sings in the shower?: Tom. Definitely. Back to the whole duets idea, Tord will sit outside of the bathroom and sing along.

Who cries during movies?: I think I said this before? Tord.

Who spends the most while out shopping: hm.... Tord? Because of all the extra stuff he gets.

Who kisses more roughly: definitely Tord. He's the one who sets the whole make out in motion with a rough kiss.

Who is more dominant: Tord is, boi

My rating of the ship from out of 10: INFINITY/10

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