Warden!Tom x Prisoner!Tord

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(Requested by haileymischief. Sorry that I switched the roles around, I think Tord is more likely to be a prisoner than a warden.)

   Tord's eyes narrowed as the iron bared door closed on him and the warden on the other side smirked.
   "Fuck you." Tord spat, venom in his voice. The warden, Tom, ignored it.
   "Hope you find that one comfortable for someone as low as you." Tom spat back and lenaed against the door. Tord glared at him. True, he was pretty low for killing a random person with a shotgun, by in Tord's mind, it was both worth it and the guy deserved it.
   "Oh shut up." Tord spat.
   "Don't make me shock you again." Tom growled and pulled his taser from a hook on his belt, pressing the trigger for a moment. Tord just stared at the spark of electricity with an emotionless face, not caring if he was zapped again or not. Tom put the taser back into his belt and stood by the door again, being a guard for Tord. The norski was silent for a moment before asking a question.
   "How many more days until my supposed trail?" Tord was reschedualed to another trail to truely decide if he should get death or life with parole. Tom looked over to him for a moment.
   "It's a week from now, so get comfortable." Tom stated and went back to being quiet as Tord nodded his head and looked around his small cell. It was awake from most other cells, mostly because he was too violent to be around other inmates. Hell, he almost killed a cop while being arrested. He was one violent man.

   Tord walked over to his crappy 'bed' and sat down on the thin mattress, thinking for a moment. He then smirked and pulled a switchblade out of his pocket. Stupid cops didn't check him fully, so he snuck a blade in. He shoved the thing under his pillow quickly before Tom looked over to him and grinned sadistically when he did. Tom just went back to staring at the opposite wall after that, but Tord didn't look away from Tom. He suddenly realized how cute he was, and he never thought he would say that about someone who worked for the law.

A few days has passed, almost a full week, and it was the night before Tord's trail. You would think the norski was thinking about the trail and wondering where fate would lead him, but no. He spent the time flirting with Tom the whole time and trying to get the warden to fall for him. He guessed he had failed, since he only got a light blush out of him, but didn't give up, no matter what. It was currently one A.M. and Tord was wide awake, as well as Tom, sort of. Tom kept dozing off standing up, making Tord slightly worried. Yes, he had to admit, he fell for the warden over the past week.
"You look tired."
"No shit, Sherlock."
"Oh be quiet, I'm trying to be nice." Tord growled. "Sorry." His voice softened slightly. Tom stayed quiet and almost dozed off again.

"You can come in here and sleep."
"No fucking way. I don't trust you."
"That's mean. All I did was shoot someone." Tord stated and walked back over to his bed, noticing that Tom was watching him carefully. Tord patted he spot next to him, but Tom shook his head and started to doze off against the wall again. Tord narrowed his eyes. Fine, he thought. He would have to do this the hard way, it seemed. He reached under his pillow swiftly and grabbed his switchblade, stuffed it into his pocket, and walked over to Tom again as he woke up.
"Tom, you have to understand that I'm worried." Tord couldn't help but pure gently in his voice, which earned him a slight and cautious glare from Tom.
"Whatever. I still am not going in there."
"I'd hate to have to hurt you." Tord growled and pulled out his switchblade's handle, letting Tom see it. The Brit glared at him and pulled out his taser. "Fine, fine." Tord took out his knife and threw it down the hallway.
"Why do you want me to go in there?"
"Well, it is my final night. And like I've told you, you're pretty cute." Tord purred again and Tom rolled his eyes.
"So what? I've told you, you're not gonna make me fall for ya."
"Looks like you're too late to stop that." Tord stated, poking Tom's cheek. The Brit noticed that his cheeks were burning, so he guessed he was blushing. Tord chuckled in victory.
"Oh shut up."
"You aren't wrong."

A moment of silence passed between the two before Tom sighed and opened the cell door with his keys, closing and locking it behind him. Tord chuckled and walked up to Tom.
"First time this close to you without handcuffs on."
"Shut up." Tom growled and sat against the wall while Tord sat on the bed.
"What are you doing?"
"Sleeping against the wall."
"Why not join me in the bed?~"
"Like I want to die in my sleep." Tom growled, blushing again. Tord chuckled and layed down.
"Your loss, Tommy."

A few more minutes passed before Tom got up, reluctantly, and walked over to the bed. Tord chuckled once again and moved over for Tom to have space. Tom layed down next to Tord, but had his back facing the norski. The prisoner smirked and threw his arm around Tom's stomach, pulling him close. Tom blushed brighter and flipped around, snuggling up against Tord.
"Guess I was right. You did fall for me."
"I told you to shut up. And don't read into this."
"What else could it be?"
".... I'm cold."
"Whatever." Tord smiled and kissed the top of Tom's head before falling asleep with the blushing Brit against him.

(... ok, I admit it, that was bad. Sorry)

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